4. The Other Side

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Well past twelve, the early hours of the day, I was still up. I was particularly stuck on the book that spoke of the rogue god. Dozens of books and only the last one seem to hold the whole story.

The story goes like this: in the beginning there was the moon. She was the only goddess that existed. She created everything but before she did it, she walked the Earth alone. She tried to find meaning in her existence much like everyone. Her attempt led to the creation of the first Alpha and Luna. Moon goddess studied them and determined them to be much like her. As typical, the Alpha and Luna fell in love and that was the Moon Goddess's answer. She realized that love was what she needed to be whole time.

She started loving everything. She loved the Alpha, Luna, plants, animals of the world she created. She even cared for the children the first werewolves had but there was something wrong. Until one day, she figured it out. She can give love but not accept it. Nobody loved her like that, just like a goddess.

She sulked and wondered until she met him. He was a god like her but similarities ended there. He was kind to a fault but determined as well. Smart, faithful, loving. The God was everything she looked for.

Meanwhile the Alpha and Luna's children were developing, becoming stronger. Then one daughter, which was the only daughter of the pair, thought she could be like the moon goddess. The goddess didn't seem to find any problems with this and took her as an apprentice.

Surprisingly, this was enough for her but the siblings and the mother grew jealous. The siblings wanted to be gods, the mother wanted to be the only mother of her daughter but they could not do anything. While moon goddess was busy with the daughter or any other menial task, she was constantly protected by her godly boyfriend. All those good qualities turned into a fierce sense of protection for his girlfriend.

The children were afraid to try anything but over the years, they're anger and desperation grew until they couldn't see the god as a threat.

They approached the Moon Goddess's palace but were stopped by the god. He issued one last warning, promising to kill them all the next time they come this close. For safe measure, he inflicted nightmares of such a future where they were brutally slaughtered.

The children ran to their father. Their father couldn't believe this second rate god had the decency to do that to moon goddess's creations. He charged the god and died instantly and brutally.

When moon goddess heard of this, she was terrified and so was the family. This was the first murder in history. The family urged the moon goddess to do something but she loved the god and after hearing his story, she did nothing.

With the family enraged and the moon goddess not on their side, they blamed her. The sons armored up and headed to kill the goddess. The woman were more hesitant. The daughter still loved her teacher and, in a weird way, was her grandmother.

The goddess turned cold, realizing the harsh truth of the world she created. She stood back and watched the werewolves that wanted to kill her, trudge towards her.

The god stepped up again, killing the two brothers.

The remaining brother escaped while the gods argued. The Moon goddess wanted to create more werewolves. She wanted the world to be everything she learned. The God didn't think so. He thought that the remaining son would come after her again. They argued more until the god explained himself.

He was also from the moon, typically the part that was on the other side that you could never see. He was the other moon god. He loved moon goddess and hated those who wanted to kill her. He ran across the earth killing those that posed a threat to the moon goddess. The threats were mostly alphas since the brother was destined to be one himself.

And as time progressed, he gained the name Rogue God, a godlike werewolf that killed the highest ranks and down the line, they even forgot that he was protecting the moon goddess.

The story showed me the flaws in the world. Everything needs a purpose. In the end, all there is, is love. Everything has a mate. There will always be someone that wants to be you and that will lead to jealousy. The cold truth changes everything and there will always be someone who will break the limits for you.

And supposedly, my mate was the very definition of this god.

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