10. His Name

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I hate being queen.

Of all the years of ruling my fathers kingdom, I have never said that nor thought it...until now that is.

Now I sat in my room with Linguine, facing the view. It was late night and the moon goddess was at her highest.

We were facing the problem with the cameras. See knowing what I said, I don't have the materials to back it up. I would need thousands of cameras to place in uniforms and around the palace grounds. Also the cameras that would be secretly everywhere.

The additional problem was that technology doesn't really work with mythological creatures. Whenever in contact, it would break or malfunction or etc. Only some have made technology suitable for us but still most avoid it. I would need to find someone to make thousands, maybe even millions, of cameras.

"This is some problem, my Queen." Linguine finally said. I rubbed my forehead and agreed.

"Perhaps, we should focus on the castle first and move outwards?" I suggested.

"No matter where we start we are faced with the same problem." He answered, honestly.

I threw myself back in my seat and looked at the Moon again. The Goddess's words replayed in my head. She had given me a power to recognize my mate's wolf so the next time I see him, I'll know his name. One less mystery surrounding him.

"Perhaps a change in subject?" Linguine suggested with a small smile. "We have a development on the rogue situation."

I perked at the true meaning of his words. Of course, he didn't know the true meaning like my dad.

"Apparently there is a demon with them. Said to be stronger than any alpha even the Rogue King himself. The rogues look up to him." He commented wistfully. I sighed. "The rogues are rising up though. They believe this wolf and see him or her as their savior. Soon many would join them even some of ours. Another problem perhaps even a war on our hands, Milady."

"Who ever said running an kingdom was easy?" I commented, once again sitting back.

"It would probably be easy if my Queen had her mate." I turned to him with shocked eyes. "Just someone to relax with my Queen. I meant no disrespect."

"I know, Linguine. For the first time I yearn to gaze at my mates face, to feel his touch." I admitted.

His blue eyes glowed in my mind. Though I haven't seen his face yet, his wolf face was stuck in my head, the color of his fur...

"Perhaps he will appear my Queen. Perhaps even sooner than expected." He tried cheering me up but he had no idea how true his words were.

Suddenly, the door flew open to reveal a male guard kneeling. "A thousand apologies, My Queen. We have a situation on the western and eastern borders. A army has assembled."

"What?" I shouted, jumping from my seat. I ran to the door with the guard and Linguine behind me. " An army at both the western and eastern?"

"No milady. The army stretches from the western to the eastern border milady." The guard added. I turned to him in shock.

"How was an army able to surround half our borders without us noticing? Wasn't border control-" My voice faltered when a bright light filled the room.

I thought it was the moon goddess again but soon put that idea out of my head when a bone rattling shockwave hit us. Smoke rose from the Western corner as a portion of the walls collapsed.

When I realized what happened the shock didn't disappear. An explosion had destroyed the walls and a army was pouring through the gap. More explosions followed, destroying more portions of the walls. Soon the entire army was inside the walls.

"Milady, what are your orders?" The guard asked quickly. I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"What sort of question is that?" I shouted. He sunk away in fear.

"Every werewolf, protect the palace, protect the innocent." I mindlinked everyone.

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As we rode down the elevator, thousands of thoughts filled my head. Most of my mate though.

As I exited the elevator, I was shocked by the silence. No sounds of explosions nor of fighting. No one was in the halls.

We ran outside to a scene I wasn't expecting.

Guards, warriors and border control members stood surrounding the palace. Linguine immediately shifted and helped me work my way through the crowd. Once we broke through we were met with the army, who was twice our size.

The army was almost identical to others, nothing making them different except for their smell. The smell was of raw sewage and rotten food. The smell of rogues.

Except two.

In front of the army stood a massive salt and pepper wolf. Not as big as me or Linguine but big nonetheless. It's eyes were exactly the same shade as mine and he didn't smell like a rogue. In fact, he smelled familiar.

"Dad?" I whispered in disbelief. The other wolves shifted warily.

They didn't want to attack their former king.

Liam, my father's wolf, stepped forward and spoke in the language of wolves, of gestures and twitches. " I'm sorry, my little wolf, I'm afraid I have had a change of mind."

"What? Dad-" I said, incredulous.

Liam laughed. "I'm afraid your dad is no use here my dear. See when called upon the wolf takes control and I was called upon. Even your father understands that he must bow down to your mate."

The other wolves began to chatter and mutter. " Her mate? The Queen has a mate? A rogue mate for the queen?"

So became angry while others laughed in embarrassment. They wanted to see him.

And he did not disappoint. As he stepped forward, Manhattan came forward and took control, shifting.

Everyone backed up. Next to Linguine(who's wolf was name Guino), Manhattan and Liam, the Rogue God towered over all of us. Everyone's knees buckled under the weight of the god, my mate.

And I knew his name. His name, The Rogue God's name, was


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