14. Divine Help

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I didn't sleep that night nor the next. In fact, I didn't sleep for the next fortnight. I was stuck in a loophole, a loophole that was suffocating me. I didn't want to fall asleep just incase nightmares flooded my mind. Whether they would come from the Moon Goddess or the Rogue God, I didn't know.

I couldn't even sleep in my room anymore. I had made the entire left wall a panoramic wall so I could always see the moon at night. Now that the moon had abandoned me, it felt wrong to have the panoramic wall. I also couldn't decide which was worse: the fact that the moon seemed to be everywhere I looked or the moon seemingly watching me.

In the morning, my father would be transferred to the Wolfsbane prison, up north. As a queen, I had to show no mercy to my father when delivering his punishment. As a daughter, I had to show no mercy otherwise people would say I was showing preference.

The palace was fully restored, the rogues damage fixed but the Rogue God had left his mark on the palace. He had killed twelve guards during his escape. Now, everyone fears the day he comes back as well as his legend. Everyone also watched me, wondering what happened when him and I fought. He had challenged my honor and now I couldn't even defend it.

Linguini walked into my room to find me hunched over a bowl of porridge. "My queen, are you alright?"

I shook my head. "Any progress on the search for Rogue God?"

He sighed. "You mean your mate, my queen? Unfortunately, he has completely disappeared as well as his army."

I growled in frustration. Linguini flinched. "What about our generals?"

"They are rapidly approaching the palace with their respective armies. By nightfall, they should be here." He answered.

I sighed. "At least some good news."

"Ma'am if you don't mind," Linguini took my bowl of porridge, now forgotten. ", why do you dishonor your mate so?"

"I do not dishonor my mate, Linguini. He is the Rogue God and if he wasn't my mate, then surely I would've been dead already." I explained. Another conversation that cannot go without the Rogue God's name being mentioned.

"Nonetheless, I've tracked down his history." My head snapped to Linguini in genuine interest. "He is a very difficult person to track and I wouldn't have anything if he hadn't given his name. Michael Atlas was the omega of major pack in Montana. He was tortured and laughed at until one day, he stood up against his Luna. His alpha sentenced him to death by his hand and Michael had to fight him. But when the fight came, Michael won it and controversy spread of the Omega that killed an Alpha. "

"He obviously won using the Rogue God's powers." I said but Linguini shook his head.

"That apparently isn't the case. Back then, he apparently had another wolf. It was black, small in size and had green eyes. Only after he won that fight, did he have two wolves and now he has one." Linguine explained.

My mind ran laps as pieces began to fit together. He had two wolves. He earned the Rogue God's powers and Fenris chose him. Me dishonoring him must've killed his previous wolf and allowed him to be fully Rogue. He was no longer the legendary Omega that killed an Alpha, he was the legendary Rogue God.

"I shouldn't have done what I did. I should've allowed him to be king." I whispered. Linguine shook his head.

"My queen, do you honestly think you would've allowed a man to walk over you? Whatever your answer is, I don't think he wanted to be king. His mission is to eradicate all figures of power." Linguini informed me.

I shook my head. "How will I fight him? He is a God and I'm just a queen."

"You will try, my queen because this is your kingdom. The Moon Goddess will be with you." Linguini promised but I shuddered. If only he knew.

"Leave me, Linguini." I ordered. He hesitated before leaving. I left after him, making my way to my old room.

I entered and was greeted with a lit morning sky. Albeit the sun was rising, the moon was still high.

I kneeled before the panoramic wall.

"Dear Moon Goddess," I began. ", I beg for your forgiveness. I was not fit to adhere to your advice and I failed you. But now I am facing an impossible task, facing a god that is your mate. I ask for you help, your forgiveness and your strength."

"Well even though I'm still angry at you if I do not help you, you might die. Then who will I be mad at." I turned to see the Moon Goddess standing behind me, smirking. "I will help you defeat Fenris, Clio Thalatte."

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