2. No Trace

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That night I didn't sleep. The Moon goddess's words echoed in my head.

As the sun rose and besides my feelings towards mates, I began plotting ways to find him. Clearly, they would not appear in the courts or he would've long time ago. And I was not in the mood to listen to bachelor's while my mate was on my mind.

I also began to think of him. How he looked, acted, if he liked the same things that I did. I may not be a soft woman but I still am a woman with a heart.

As I got dressed I decided to venture out with my main general, Lance. Three years into my queenship, one of my first orders were for Lance to track down rogues. Rogues are everywhere these days and are always going to be there, that's the harsh truth but there are some rogues that have more sway. They are naturally more power and often a nuisance. They become infamous.

Lance's job was to find these infamous rogues and take care of them. Targeting the brain of the beast, simple but a effective strategy. So far so good but another hard truth, there will always be another one. Another bad guy, another storm, another evil king.

My decision was to join him on one of his conquests. Perhaps, being in the field will give me an opportunity to meet my mate. I am also the most powerful wolf alive so I could handle myself.

I threw on a red shirt, Gucci pants and Nike sneakers. A quick breakfast and I was down meeting Lance.

He had a mop of blonde hair that appeared grey and stood little over six foot. He had a pale complexion and pale green eyes.

He noticed me walking to him and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Good morning, your majesty." He said with a bow.

"I will be joining your operation today, General." I told him and he nodded.

"Anytime, my queen." He winked and led me to his car. Warriors that were waiting for his arrival were shocked to see me there. They bowed and climbed into their cars as well as us.

"So, what are the details of your operation today?" I asked as we exited the palace's gates.

"We'll be hitting a small troop of rogues that have positioned themselves temporarily outside of Portland." He informed me.

"Correct me if I'm mistaken but my mission was for you to target those of power. Why are you concerning yourself with this small troop that will be passing on soon?" I asked as we stopped in Beaverton, Oregon.

"The troop is located north of Salem. We'll be heading by foot from here. To answer your question, over the past few weeks a rogue I've taken an interest in, has been said to be passing through the surrounding area. Reports have flooded in to prove it. He is quite remarkable and his reputation has spread over the states."

"And your hoping this rogue has aligned itself with this troop for the time being. This attack will then allow you a upper hand in capturing this rogue if it is there." I finished for him.

Lance smiled probably expecting no less from his queen. He organized his troops into ranks and we forged on.

Surrounding Salem were many small villages. The particular direction we were heading in was towards Wheatlands. If I remember correctly it is surround by greenery and a river ran alongside it. A cliché place honestly to set up a temporary base.

This would be a routine take then.

Being werewolves, we could run over miles the same way humans run hundred meters and that was in human form. So soon we had surrounded the area.

They had positioned themselves in a forest. We took our positions among the trees. So far the small group, about a dozen werewolves sitting around a camp, had not picked up our scent. The males looked strong enough but they had females which looked like fighters.

Before we were in leaping distance, their ears perked up. They spun around and chaos broke lose as the two sides clashed.

Immediately, the rogues knew they were outnumbered. They shifted into their weak, pathetic looking wolves and dashed for the river. Lance shouted at his warriors as they joined the chase.

To make sure non of them circle back, me, Lance and a few others took up the rear, trudging slowly into the forests. With our keen hearing, we can hear the growls and paws hitting the ground as wolves clashed. So far no one seemed to be circling back.

Eventually, the tree line broke and the rogues were cornered against the river. We had done it. It was over.

I remained behind the tree line already sensing that this was fail in my department. My mate wasn't here. Even driving I could smell more than a quarter mile in each direction. That being said it would have been easier to smell my mate even if it was the faintest smell.

My mind began to think of new ways to find my mate when someone appeared in my vision and when I say appeared I mean one second there was nothing and the next they were in front of me.

I should've been on guard, suspicious, at least in my fighting stance but I wasn't. I tried identifying the person. It was definitely a he because, a cliché, that he towered over me.

He stood in the shadows of the trees and even from our proximity, which is barely a foot, I couldn't make out his details. What colour his hair was or his eyes or his skin. I could tell nothing. It seemed as if his face was constantly changing in the darkness making it hard for me to recognize him even if I was right in front of him.

Though one thing was certain, the sudden intake of air from both of us. His smell, which I could not identify, was intoxicating. We didn't even need to touch each other.

Then a voice that sounded like Lance's shouted out, probably calling me, and my mate disappeared. Not even his smell remained.

All that was left were the two footprints in front of me.

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