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My life is basically back to normal, with Dante and Pierre as exceptions. Dante has fallen off the surface of the earth or something like that because barely anyone has seen him around ever since I broke us up. And Pierre and I are starting to get to know each other better and better. He is an incredibly nice guy and I can express my feelings to him, as can he do to me. He is a great friend to have and that is exactly what I need right now, especially since the whole deal with Dante.

"Dad? Will you go on a run with me?" I just walked into my father's study, we always sport together, which isn't very often, but we like to do it. 

"Sure, give me ten minutes and then I'll be downstairs okay?" I nod and I walk to my room to get changed into a pair of sports shorts and a sports bra with a shirt over it. I shoot a look at my wall, I have pictures spread all over it from when I was younger. I decided to spend some time at my parent's place, so I am staying in my old room again. I look at the few I took at Monza. It is one with Michael Schumacher. He was my father's favourite driver and dad was so happy to meet him. It is unfortunate my father rarely has the time to come to a race with me since he is so busy working at our family business. I work there myself, but dad always makes sure I can go whenever I want to. 

"Ready?" Dad asks me and I look at him. "We really should go together again... I'll make sure I can be there for Monza, is that a deal?" At shock, I look at dad. 

"Really?" I ask surprised and dad nods. "Yes! That'll be awesome!"

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