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I am proudly driving through the streets of Monaco, but not without the feeling of my heart nearly beating out of my chest from fear. The streets are quite busy and seeing I don't know where all the crossroads and roundabouts are, I have no clue of what to expect at what time. 

"Just breath." Pierre laughs. "You look like you are about to have a heart attack."

"Well, I might be having one any second if any car decides on scaring the living hell out of me!"

"I believe the car won't do anything."

"You don't know, Herbie might show up at any moment, you know where all the fancy cars are, here in Monaco." Now Pierre is laughing so hard he is struggling to breathe and is close to crying. "It is not funny Pierre." We near another crossroad. "Where do I have to go?" Pierre doesn't respond as he is still laughing. "Pierre!" I shout in a panic and he signals me to go left. "Thank you!" Luckily, this one isn't too busy. 

"Park the car here." He struggles to say and I park the car neatly in a parking spot next to the road. 

"Thank goodness we're here. I am not going on the road any time soon without someone next to me, so Pierre, are you signing up to go on drives with me through Monaco?"

"Sure, we'll start by going to your restaurant later today, but first let you get settled into our home." I smile when I hear him say our home. From now on it will be. Our home, our safe place when we are not together, our place to be alone. "What is it?" Pierre asks when I remain silent, solely a broad smile plastered on my face.

"I like the sound of that?" 


"Our home."

"Well, from now on it is." He leans over to kiss me before he hops out of the car. "Now, I want to show you the place." He is all of a sudden as excited as a small child in a candy store, which makes me roll my eyes before getting out of the car myself. Pierre is already at the entrance with my suitcases.

"And who was like a kid in a candy store again?" Again he laughs. 

"You can be so funny sometimes."

I am so saddened by the fire ruining the Notre Dame. I love that building ever since I watched the hunchback of the Notre Dame and since I started to have an art class in high school, I fell in love with it even more.  

It was very frustrating to have to make an exam this morning as a practice for my finals in which more than a third was about this amazing cathedral and I dearly hope it will be restored into its original state so I one day will get the chance to visit it and see it in the way it used to in my art-history books. 

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