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"Okay, I have to admit, it was a great restaurant." I giggle, maybe I have had one glass of that delicious wine too much. 

"Are you okay?" Pierre laughs and he takes the keys to my room from me. "Stop doing that!" I blush and bite my lip as I continue giggling. "I shouldn't have let you drink that last glass, I thought you could handle wine a bit better being Italian and a chef and all." He shakes his head and when we reach my room he opens the door. "Now get changed and then get some sleep." 

"But I'm not tired at all, why don't you stay for a little?" I grin and take his hand in mine and drag him into my room. Pierre is about to protest, but I silence him by placing my finger on his lips. "Not a word." And before I can even notice the frown on his face, I crash my lips onto his. Yep, definitely too much to drink. 

Pierre pulls back and looks at me in a total shock, but before I can start apologising, he kisses me again. I melt into his embrace and he gently leads me towards the bed, but before we arrive there he pulls back. He takes his hair in his hands and looks confused. 

"I'm sorry!" I'm quick to apologise. "It was stupid." I look down to my feet as Pierre starts to mumble in French.

"It's not your fault." He eventually says. "Not in the slightest. You're an amazing woman, one a lot of men would die for, I just..." He sighs deeply and sits down on my bed. I sit down beside him and take his hand in mine to gently squeeze it to reassure him. "I am just not over Julia yet. It was really stupid, but for a moment I hoped you were Julia, not you. You deserve someone who is not thinking of another woman while kissing you. One who focusses on you fully, not partially." I take a deep breath. 

"It's okay Pierre, I'll wait."  Pierre shook his head. 

"I can't make you do that." I make him look at me. Ever since the kiss, he hasn't done that, but I want him to look at me. I want him to know I am serious about what I say. 

"Hey, I've got time. All the time of the world."

Well, I guess you all got excited a bit at the beginning, but I'm sorry to be so mean and end it like this. Well not really, since I planned this right at the beginning hehe

Tell me what you guys think!

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