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"You really liked it didn't you?" We are back at Pierre's place and I look at him in disbelieve. 

"Liked, I loved it!" I exclaim as I start to bounce up and down. "It was amazing. If I could only ever afford such a place." I stop jumping when I realise I will never own it as it is just too expensive. 

"Okay, let me make you a deal." Pierre starts. "I will become your silent partner in this. You will own the place, but I will help out financially here and there to help you fund it all. When it starts booming, which it obviously will, you will split the incomes with me." With big eyes I look at Pierre. 

I found out he was serious about him wanting to have me closer whenever he will be home, but I didn't know he is this serious. 

"What do you say?" He has a hopeful glint in his eyes that makes them sparkle even more than they usually do and I melt. Even if I didn't want it I couldn't possibly say no. 

"Of course!" He wraps me up in his arms and spins me around. 

"Then let your parents come over. Show them the restaurant and when you have their permission, buy it. Partner." His grin is huge and my heart races. 

"I'll call them right now." I sprint off to the balcony in Pierre's room that has an astonishing view that I have come to love to there call my parents without any interruptions as Pierre told me earlier he is having some of the drivers to come over.

Before actually calling my parents I just stare at the view. If my parents will agree it is actually going to happen. I am going to move abroad than to become a chef in my own restaurant and not just in any place. No, one of the places that is full of celebrities and other rich people. If they like whatever I serve, they will tell others and I will be in no time a renowned restaurant. 

Though I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Let me first call my parents and get them to come over. 

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