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With my suitcase in hand, I land on the Monacan grounds again. It is a warm day, to say the least and I quickly take off my jacket and place it on my suitcase. My parents couldn't come to help me settle in, unfortunately, but luckily, Pierre is currently in the summer break and has all of the time in the world. For a few weeks.

So, instead of going on a holiday, Pierre and I will be putting all my belongings in his apartment and will be decorating my restaurant. My restaurant, it still sounds strange. 

I am about to take my phone out of my pocket to call Pierre to ask him where he is when two hands take my sight away and someone whispers a 'hello' in my ear. I start to smile brightly and spin around on my heels to throw my arms around his neck. His arms hold me firmly against his chest and I relax as I inhale the smell his cologne. 

"I missed you," I mumble and he chuckles. 

"I have missed you too." I let go of him and hand in hand we walk towards the exit. When we are walking through the parking lot, he suddenly stops. "So, I have a little surprise for you, if you are to live here, you do need a form of transportation..." I frown and he hands me a small box and when I open it I see a key. 

"Pierre what did you do?" I ask him as I take the key out. It is the key to an Alpha Romeo, my favourite car. 

"I got you a car, now if you look over there." I look in the direction Pierre is pointing and I squeal when I see the car he is referring to, it has a big bow on it so I can't miss it. A beautiful, white Alpha Romeo Stelvio. With wide eyes, I look at Pierre. 

"You are absolutely insane," I tell him and then I give him a quick kiss and race to the car, leaving Pierre with my luggage. He laughs and lets me be, after all, he just gifted me one of my dream cars. 

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