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"Stop acting like you are stupid Pierre!" I yell out of frustration. "I know you understand what I'm saying!" Pierre bites his lip, in search for the right words, but he remains silent. "Please say something." More tears find their way. I turn away from him, shaking my head.

"I honestly don't know what to say." Pierre mumbles. "What I do know is that I do feel something for you. I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't. I'm just not sure yet in what way. I mean, I like you, but I'm searching to whether it could be something worth fighting for."

"That is why I create distance Pierre." I turn back. "I'm not going to put my heart on the line, I tried, I did. It ended up in you telling me you were thinking of Julia when you kissed me." I try to stop the sobs. "I create the space to protect myself and even though this is also killing me, I..." I try to come up with an argument. "I don't know okay, I don't know why I torture myself." I let myself drop to the floor and the sobs become louder and louder.

"Oh Anca..." Pierre crouches down in front of me and pulls me against his chest. "Take a leap of faith and please bridge the distance between us so we can figure it all out together." I look at him, still crying. "I promise to do my all to protect your heart." I think for a second, but this I'm doing right now is also torture, killing me slowly. I nod and Pierre smiles weakly, before gently kissing me. It is nothing full of lust, just a simple contact between lips to seal the promise. And I am loving it. 

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