chapter 2.

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(h/c)- hair color

First person POV (mother gothel)

I smiled to maybe as I looked through our magical haze at my granddaughter who was wandering away from the ledge. I had done it. She's just like her mother. So naive and trusting. So perfect to make out pawn, and so willing to do anything to outshine her older brother. I watch as she runs into Cruella's boy. I wish I could hear their conversation. Over my shoulder I look to see his mother and her two dim witted friends laying an on old couch watching the party on Television.

"Cruella." I say then grimace at my own voice.

It's grumbled and harsh, unlike my old angelic tone. I use to be able to keep it with the power of my daughters hair until she cut it all off or her husband did rather. I look back at my granddaughter still conversing with the boy, her hair has been cut. Even though I can sense the power running though her (h/c) locks. I smile at the thought of being young again then jump as a cold boney hand was set on my shoulder.

"What is it gothel?" Cruella's voice rang in my ear, then I remembered I called her over.

I pointed to the haze where (y/n) was leaving her son "my granddaughter and your son." I said "is there any chance he would be willing to help us?"

The woman thought for a minute. It's true she doesn't know her son well he more of worked for her than anything else. Poor boy just wanted love but love does make people weak. I loved Rapunzel which allowed me to make that stupid deal with her and loose her.

"Maybe, but I don't know... He has that dumb mutt loves so much" the woman hissed then sat back down

"Ooo how about my Evie she would be a great help and make that granddaughter of yours look less eh..." The evil queen started before a shot a glare at her.

"(Y/n) can do this herself, she's my granddaughter for Lord's sake" I smile "and if it does come that she needs some help... I'll teach her how to get men tripping over themselves to help her."

I let out a small cheer as the others rolled their eyes. What do they know anyways all of their children so easily switched sides. My granddaughter will do better, I know she will. She just must remember to not love. That is our families down fall.

First person POV (y/n)

After my run in with one of VKs I was able to keep moving. I pushed through more and more of the ground until I finally made it to a large group of girls all circled around Flynn. He was standing on a table with Catherine, Charlotte LaBouff's daughter. She had bleach blonde hair up in a high bun and a pastel pink dress that went to her knees. She looks like a little princess. I just rolled my eyes and push through them all.

"Flynn!" I shouted when I got to the table.

My brother looked down at me. Spitting image of our father he was. Brown hair brown eyes and a extremely handsome face that makes almost every girl swoon. Stupidly perfect for sure. He face right now though didn't look as if he was trying to swoon a girl rather it was one of disgust. It didn't faze me though I'm too use to that look. He gave it too me Everytime I interrupted him.

"What do you want?" He growled. "Can't you see I'm a little busy"

He gestured to all the girls and I eyed them all with a shrug. Just other girls I thought same as always. 10-20  gathered around him like ducks to a sandwich. Something that seems good but is actually really bad for them.

"Yeah ok 'busy'" I said with air quotes around busy "look I wanna go home, this place is making me uncomfortable"

A devilish grin rose onto my brother's face as he jumped off the table and stood by me. He opened his arms as if he wanted a hug and tightened his eyes on me. I knew what he wanted. He wanted a show. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his middle. His arms wrapped around my shoulder and he gave me a tight hug. The girls around us all cooed at the sight as Flynn started petting my head.

"It's ok baby sister. I know big groups make you uncomfortable, but it was so nice of you to still come for me because I wanted to go. Wasn't it nice of her girls?" Flynn asked around and I heard there positive responses.

They we're all under his thumb. He wanted them to see him be loving. See him as the great big brother everyone thinks he his. And here I am playing along. Letting it all happen. I hid my face in his chest and glared. This is stupid, why do I play along. Soon it wont be like this anymore. I then felt two hand push on my shoulders. I looked up and saw Flynn faking a loving look at me and I forced a smile.

"Let's go home (y/n), we'll hang out together would that be better?" He asked.

I hesitated on a response, thinking about possibly not playing along for once. Telling him no. That I want to go home and be far away from him. That I didnt need my 'big brother' and that I wasnt his doll to make him look better. Unfortunately the look he gave me seemed evil. Behind that smile we're two brown eyes saying 'do it'. I just looked down and nodded then he hugged me again. This time too tightly causing it to slightly hurt.

"Well girls I'mma take her home." The girls all awed in disappointment "now now, you'll all see me at school next week, and all weekend." There it was the classic cheer.

Next thing I knew his arm was around my shoulders as he lead me out of the party. Finally I was able to go home and I remembered what I needed to do. Find a journal, say the spell, write to nona, become special. Then I won't act it out with him. I won't be scared by the look he gets in his eye when I think about breaking himself show. He'll be scared of the look in mine when he trys to use me. I'll be the big dog. I'll be the important one for once.

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