Chapter 13

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 I made my way back to the school occasionally wiping the silent tears from my eyes. I could no longer tell if I was crying because of the heart break or if it was the anger. At this point it didn't matter either, not like anyone would notice. I made my way to my dorm room to get changed but I had to stop before I made it to my door. Standing outside my room was Mal with her arms crossed. Great. I decide to turn around, maybe I could spell an outfit or something. I'll figure it out later, but unfortunately for me, my journal is in there, so I can't contact the isle. As I made my way back down stairs I turned toward the library. As soon as I walked in I bumped into Evie. She smiled at me and squealed. She doesn't know yet I thought.

"(Y/N)! I have a surprise for you!" she grabbed my wrist and started to drag me away before I could object.

Next thing I knew I was in her room. She had me stand on her dress pedestal as she went digging through her closet. Evie jumped for join when she pulled out a blood red dress with off the shoulder sleeves that flared at the elbows. There was a sheer top section that made about two-inch-thick sleeves and added extra coverage for my chest. Sewn into the sheer section were the broken pieces of my birth right jewel. Its gold tones matched the golden bend that went across the middle of the dress. I smiled at the dress as Evie handed it to me.

"do you like it?" she asked me

"I love it." I answered then end to the bath room and changed.

Once I was in the dress I came out and saw Evie with all her makeup out. She patted the place next to her on the bed and I sat. She started by pulling my hair back with a headband then started with my makeup. I closed my eyes and let her do her thing until I heard her sign.

"you've been crying." She commented

"That obvious?"

"Yeah, do you wanna talk about it?"

I signed and looked at her. "Let's just say I don't think I have a date tonight anymore."

"Oh, I see." Evie whispered "Well Carlos can be pretty dumb, just give him some time. After he sees how beautiful you look tonight everything will work out."

We exchanged smiles then Evie finished up my makeup. Once done she moved me over to the vanity and went to deal with my hair. She made some strange faces as she held it, then began to brush it.

"has it always been this long?" she asked as she pulled it into a high ponytail.

"It's a genetic thing." I lied "gotta cut my hair like once a week to keep this from happening, I didn't have time to this week."

Evie just giggled then lead me to the mirror. She had made me look beautiful for sure. My hair was now in a tight braid that went over my shoulder and the dress was a perfect fit. She also loaned me a pair of red heals. The girl hugged me tightly, which caused me to start feeling sad again. This was probably the last hug I'm going to be receiving in a while. I guess Evie noticed my expression turn because me moved to be standing in front of me.

"everything is going to be totally fine, tonight is going to be great." She smiled, and I just nodded.

I opened my mouth to reply only to be cut off by the door bursting open. We both turned to see Carlos, Jay, Mal, and Ben in the door way. They all know. It all I thought when I saw them. My eyes locked with Carlos' as I tried to read him. He seemed desperate. Regardless of why I knew I needed to run if I wanted to have any chance of success tonight. I looked at Evie with a sad expression, before trying to run out the door. The boys caught on with my plan and made a wall, they almost caught me, but I lucked out and managed to turn. I climbed onto one of the benches of the windows and pushed open the glass doors.

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