Chapter 11

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That night I was tossing and turning. It felt as if my body would never shut off. My mind raced, so many different ideas were going through my head. Not only was it three nights before the jewelbilee, but also that kiss from tonight was so amazing. Not to mention I just drained the most powerful creature in auradon, someone is bounded to notice why that lizard is so much weaker now. What if Mal catches on? That'll be the end of me, the end of the plan. What's going to happen if I fail? Will they end me to the isle? Well I know whatever they do, if I fail they will take away the magic I've gained. What about Carlos? If I fail will he be affected?

I shake my head violently then look over at Ally who is asleep in her bed. I need to get my mind off of things. I stood from my bed and grabbed my journal before leaving my room. I wander the halls contemplating if I wanted to write to Nona or maybe find something else to do. That's when I passed the kitchen.

That's it! I'll take Carlos out on a date! Happy with my though I rush into the kitchen and start to make some sandwiches and cookies. As soon as the oven dinged I packed everything up and snuck out of the dorm into the forest. I walked down the trail until I was at the enchanted lake. This would be a perfect spot for our date. I set down the basket and started to walk away before remembering that the food would spoil if I left it out here. Maybe I could make up a spell, I though then turned to the basket. I took a deep breath then recited.

"frost from the north come to this basket and keep the contents cool." I said cursing myself for not rhyming.

Hopefully it still works. I then turned to the water and gasped. My hair was glowing gold and my eyes emerald green. My eyes faded back to (e/c) but my hair kept glowing. I began to panic then noticed my hair began to grow. When the glow faded my hair reached my hips. I pulled on the ends to make sure it was real, and it was. Panicked I ran back to my door room and snuck into bed. Closing my eyes tightly until I final fell asleep.

~time skip~

The next morning I rolled out of bed and pushed my hair out of my face with my hands. I look over go ally who was getting dressed for class before falling back into my pillows. No part of me wanted to go to class, but I do get to ask Carlos out today. Our first REAL date. Using that as a motivator I sat up in my bed.

"Morning Ally." I said as i went to stand.

"Good" ally started


"Um I don't mean to alarm you but." She said starting at me strangely "your hair... It's so long."

I shrugged her off and just told her that it's always been this long and she just agreed before leaving the room. Once she left I ran to the mirror and look at my hair. It was past my butt now. Great. Quickly I tied it up into a bun hoping that no one would notice that it's longer. After that I grabbed a sleeveless maroon dress with a thin golden belt and black flats. I then grab my bag and run to the main part of the school. I make it to class with only a minute to spare and took my seat next to Carlos. He smiles and leaned over to me.

"Hey, you look very nice" he whispered.

"Thanks." I smiled and grabbed his hand gently. "Meet me under the bleachers after classes today, I wanna take you on a date."

Carlos nodded then we continued paying attention to class.

Flynn's pov.

I passed my sister this morning on the way to class and had to take a double take. I had never seen that dress before, and her hair. It was up. That girl never wears he hair up. That's not the only weird thing she's been doing lately. After mom got sick she avoided her for the rest of the day. Usually (y/n) is the first to stay and take care of her. Also Jane was going on and on about how she was threatening her in the library. (Y/n). Doesn't talk to anyone. I've had enough. I decided that the best person to go to would be Ben. In case she's up to something.

"Yo Ben!" I shout as he walks down the hall with his girlfriend friend.

He turned and smiled at me "Flynn what's up."

"It's about my sister. Can I talk to you guys about her." I started and Mal made and untrusting face.

Before I could defend myself or Ben could reply the bell rang. We all looked at each other as I waited for an awnser.

"If your worried about her then I don't see why not. Why not meet us at the enchanted lake after lunch so we can talk." Ben awnsered before shooing me away and going to class.

Hey guys I know it's been a while but I'mma start working on this. Especially after hearing about Cameron. May he rest in peace. I wanna be able to finish this story for you guys. I'll be working on it more often and I mean if you guys like it maybe I'll make a second story to go with it. I'm not sure. But the whole plot is planned out I just need to type and post it. Have a great day guys.

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