Chapter 12

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Your POV

It's Finally time! As soon as the glass bell rang I rushed to my locker and threw in my books before making my way towards the bleachers. On my way I passed by my brother who gave me a strange look. I tried to rush past him when he grabbed my arm and turned me to look at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked harshly

Having torn my arm away I replied "II know it must be surprising but, I have a date today so if you don't mind..."

"Its with one of those VK's isn't it?"

"Why does it matter Flynn?" I asked again my blood begins to boil "I'm finally enjoying my life and all you can think to do it try to stop me?"

Flynn's anger began to show as well "Well excuse me for looking out for you!"

"Looking out of me? Never in our lives have you looked out for me you've always just used me for your own personal gain." I started slowly stepping closer to my brother

The boy grabbed my shoulder and pushed me to arm's length. He looked into my (e/c) eyes with a serious look.

"This! These out bursts! This so why you could never rule for our family!" He yelled and that's when I broke.

"get. OFF!" I yelled accidently sending out a burst of magic that pushed my brother back.

The strains of hair that fell into my face showed to me that my hair was glowing brighter than ever. From the look on Flynn's face I could almost guarantee that my eyes were green as well. Instead of waiting for him to confront me about it I turned and continued my walk to the bleachers. My brother could do nothing, he has no proof and I don't think anyone else saw. I take the remainder of the walk to calm down, but as soon as I saw Carlos standing and waiting or me all the anger I felt towards my brother faded away.

Once he noticed me coming to meet him Carlos ran to my side and gave me a hug. I smiled widely at him and kissed his cheek before grabbing his hand and telling him to trust me. I lead Carlos through the forest and over the old rope bride all the way to the enchanted lake. Once I catch glimpse of the basket I say a silent spell commanding the picnic to set itself up.

"You did all this?!" Carlos asked when he saw, and I just nodded.

Led him down to the lake carefully as we sat together. We ate our sandwiches and chatted lightly. Making joke and laughing with each other. It felt perfect until Carlos finally asked.

"So, um (y/n)." he started causing you to look up from your plate. "Why did you need Maleficent's power?"

I nearly chocked on my food "Um well, you see." I started trying to come up with some kind of excuse but before I could I heard rustling in the bushes and my brother's voice.

"Crap!" I mumbled "Ok we gotta hid."

"What why?" Carlos protested

"We just do, trust me." I then looked around at the picnic "Clean!"

Carlos and I dropped to the ground, but before we could even try to pack anything gold magic circled the picnic moving it all to the basket which then poofed away in a cloud of smoke. We both shrugged at the convenience then I searched around for a good hiding place. The only thing I could think of was to jump into the lake. I grab Carlos' hand and look him in the eye.

"When we jump without a care, we'll breath water as if it's air." As soon as the last word came from my mouth I pushed Carlos into the water than jumped in myself.

Once under I grab his wrist and swim under the dock we were eating on. I look over to the boy who was holding his breath and held his face. I breathed out as and example then smiled at him. He nodded and breathed out as well then grabbed my hair. It had fallen out and was showing out from under the dock. It was kind of hard to miss the glowing blonde hair even when we are under the water. It was my turn to freak. I gathered my hair as Carlos took off his vest wrapping it around me before pulling the hood over my head.

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