Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

I watched silently as the king bowed before me. The smile on my face never fading with every second. I began to walk closer to Ben then pointed the magic wand at him once he was at my feet. He slowly looked up until our eyes met causing my smile to fade. I bent down to his level and sighed.

"You were always so good to me ben." I started "You always remembered me, but you've forgotten your own people."

He opened his mouth to object, but I simply touched his nose and used a small amount of magic to have him fall asleep. He fell forward into my lap and I laid him down gently. Slowly and silently I stood and turned to the last standing person in the room. Carlos. The boy whom I fell head over heels for. I began to walk to him and surprisingly he never looked afraid. He looked so sad. Once I got to him I held out my hand offering it to him.

"Carlos, you can still be my king." I said hopefully

He looked at my hand then into my eyes. "I am so sorry (Y/n) but you know I can't."

"Fine, then you can go to sleep too." I said as I lifted my hand to put him to sleep, but before I can I felt a blast hit me in the side sending me to the ground.

I looked up to see where it came from and was shocked. There was my brother. His usually brown hair glowing gold and his hands out in front of him. Shaking I returned to my feet and turned to him.

"How!" I shouted

He put his hands down as the gold in his hair began to fade "You're not the only child or Rapunzel here (y/n), I was born with magic too."

With that he sent another blast my way, but this time I was able to stop it. I pointed the wand at my brother with anger in my eyes. The person who started this. The one who ignored me, pinned me as second best my whole life, is the one who is trying to stop me. But there is no way I'm going to let that happen. I focused on my target and breathed deeply. I was going to end this sibling rivalry now, once and for all.

"Goodbye Flynn Rider!" I shouted adding his middle name.

I used my magic to freeze him in place. I made my way to him to look him in the eye one last time point the wand at his chest.

"I'm. Not. The. Spare." I said and went to cast my final spell against by brother.

Before the magic could be released through the wand my wrist was grabbed. Angerly I turned to see who was interrupting me. That's when I came face to face with Carlos. I said nothing as he held my wrist high making it impossible for me to use the wand.

"Drop the wand (y/n)." he commanded.

My heart started to beat faster as I looked at him more. So much of me wanted to stop, just to see if it would make all the sadness drain away from his eyes. The other half told me to not listen to him, remember how close you are to victory. To everything you want. I starred into his eyes clearly trying to find the right answer. Carlos just squeezed my wrist slightly. He pulled me closer to him hugging me with his free arm.

Leaning in close to my ear he whispered, "Please let go."

His voice sounded so sad. His hug made me feel so warm and loved as well. I had complete control over me. Love had made me weak. Tears started to run down my cheeks as I came to my final decision. I dropped the wand to the floor and hugged him closely. My silent tears turned to sobs and I buried my face into his shoulder. I heard Carlos kick the wand way from us before wrapping his other arm around me and hugging me tightly.

"hey look at me." He said, and I pulled away from the hug just enough to see his eyes "I can't save you from what's going to happen next."

That's when the fear set in. I had failed, and a punishment was coming. I looked around at all the sleeping people and remembered the crown on my head. Carlos was right he couldn't save me from what I did. I knew he could see my fear when he tightly hugged me again. Once again, he leaned into my ear.

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