chapter 9

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your pov.

the rest of the day went by slowly. Nothing amazing happened. I did however get approval fro an extra credit performance in music which means i'll be able to carry out my plan to get carols as a devoted follower. unfortunately the more i thought about this plan, the more i questioned if i should do it. Carlos is the first person to really notice me, to want me as a friend, and every time i think of him my heart starts beating faster and my head begins to spin.Maybe i shouldn't do it. What if something goes wrong after release the villains. I know people will try to fight against me, and if Carlos did i would be forced to imprison him or worse kill him. that thought was enough to get me to go through with the plan. If carols is on my side i won't have to hurt him.

With it decided i just had to wait until music the next day to take action, which i did. that morning i walked into class in a  black dress with a red belt and a white sweater. Mr.Radcliffe made a small comment about how i was 'looking the part' for my extra credit and i just smiled. It was strange, thw whole time leading up to my proformance i felt someone looking at me. When i finally turned to see who it was my eyes met with Carlos'. I shot him a smile and he leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

"you look really cute." 

my heart fluttered at his words, thats when it hit me. I must like Carlos. Even more reason to do this i suppose. I'll have my crush fawning over me like ben did to Mal. I wonder how it'll feel, well rule Auradon together. I said thank you to carlos before hearing Mr.Radcliffe call me up. Nervuously i stood and went to the front of the class. He exsplained to everyone that i was doing and extra credit assignment then started at the piano.

" Cruella De VilCruella De Vil. If she doesn't scare you No evil thing will, To see her is to Take a sudden chill. Cruella, Cruella De Vil." i sang and looked twords Carlos, he seemed captivated. "The curl of her lips The ice in her stare. All innocent children Had better beware. She's like a spider waiting For the kill Look out for Cruella De Vil."

At this point i curled a piece of my hair around my finger just so i could see if it was glowing, and it was. that means the spell should be working, i kept singling. " At first you think Cruella is the devil. But after time has worn Away the shock! You come to realize You've seen her kind of eyes Watching you from underneath A rock!." At this point Carlos' eyes were glowing a faint yellow, i had him.  "This vampire bat, This inhuman beast, She ought to be locked up And never released! The world was such A wholesome place until Cruella, Cruella De Vil!"

When i finished the song the whole class stood and gave a standing ovation. I smiled and curtsied then went back to me seat. once there Carlos leaned close to my ear.

"That was just, wow." he said

"Thanks Carlos, i chose that song because it remined me of you."

"Thats so sweet! just like you." he winked at the end of his statement then leaned back.

i looked closely at him, i couldn't full tell if it worked or not, i guess time will tell. The rest of class went by as usual, very slow and fairly boring. Carlos and i would talk quietly at times but quickly turn back to teh front when we thought we were about to be caught. He seemed normal though, no extra flirting or complimenting, just the same old Carlos which i mean i can't complain. I did fall for the normal him. Anyway after class i knew i couldn't wait, i needed his help to get into Mal's dorm room to see her mother. i decided to write him a note and tape it to his locker. if the spell works he'll obey my letter, and together we'll be able to get close enough to the lizard to drain her power. 

i quickly jotted 'Meet me out side the girls dormitory at 9:30 tonight, love (y/n).' i smiled at my note then taped it to his locker and hid behind the short brick fencing. I stayed hidden for a few minutes until i saw Carlos go to his locker. he read the note and smiled before grabbing his books and leaving for him next class. This plan was working out nicely. I ran to my class and waiting through the boring class until lunch. It was now time to make sure this would actually work.

"Hey guys." i smiled as i sat down next to Carlos and the other vks

they all replied back with a smile then i looked around and noticed two of our usual table mates were gone, yet no one seemed fazed. we had jay and carlos, then Evie and Doug were across from us three, but what about Mal and Ben? i decided to shrug it off and eat a little bit as the group chatted. Half way through lunch they finally showed earning them teasing from there friends. Ben then explained that they were filling out the forms fro Elizabeth's up coming jewelbury.

"Oh yeah that friday." i added finally speaking 

Mal nodded then sighed "yeah, unfortunetly it's gonna take us all night to sort out all that paper work." she then turned to evie and continued "So E i'm gonna be staying at the castle tonight, so the room is all yours."

"Ok, but i wasn't going to be in there anyways, doug and i are setting us a website for my new brand tonight." Evie exsplained

"yeah, but it could take a while." Doug added and i smiled to myself thinking about how nicely that works out for me and carlos. 

"Wow how's it end up both of you are busy on the same night?" Jay asked the girls who simply shrugged.

Are that conversation lunch went on as normal then we all split off to go to our classes but on the way I was stopped by Carlos who grabbed my wrist. When I turned to look at him he seemed nervous. I gave a gentle smile then asked him what he needed.

"Oh uh." He started then looked down "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out with me, nothing fancy just maybe, I don't know..."

"Carlos." I stared interrupting him "will you be my escort to Elizabeth's Jewelbilee?"

His face lit up at my words and he hugged me tightly. The boy started repeating yes like a broken record as I just giggled. He then pulled back and starred into my (e/c) eyes. We smiled at each other then he kissed my cheek and ran off to class. I smiled as he ran away but it slowly faded into a frown. The guilt was back, I caused someone to love me. And now I'm about to use him.

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