chapter 7

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Your pov

Once we all got our food we sat down outside at one of the picnic tables. Mal and Evie sat on one side of the table and I sat on the other between the boys. A few minutes into our meal Ben and Doug showed up and sat next to their respective girlfriend.

"Hey doug, King ben." I said with a nod to both of them as they sat.

"Just ben is fine." The king smiled "it would be like if everyone at school kept calling you princess (y/n) all the time. A little awkward don't you think."

I looked down at my food. "My royal status won't be their forever. Unlike my brother's."

Mal looked at me then ben slightly confused.   I guess they aren't taught about the new rules of royalty on the isle. Evie had a similar look but seemed to understand the feeling slightly. Probably from her royal status being shut down so quickly here. Eventually Mal decided to ask Ben.

"Why won't she be a princess forever?"

"Oh, (y/n) isn't a first born." Ben exsplained "so when her brother becomes king he'll most likey strip her of her princess status. She'll remain a duchess if her status of princess is stripped though."

"Oh." The VKs all said

I smiled at them "it's whatever" I lied "its just the way it is. I don't care."

Carlos looked over to be and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to him. He seemed like we was looking for something when he looked at me. I just shook it off and went back to eating my food. The others begin to chat around me about bens new responsibilities and what would be exspected of Mal now that she's dating the king. It was a very pleasant moment. So many friends talking so easily to each other.  I wonder how that must feel. All of these amazingly special kids so close to each other. It must be nice. My thinking got cut short when I heard the annoying voice of my brother.

"Come on pipsqueak!" He yelled "time to go to the rents."

I sighed then stood up from the table and stepped over the bench. I placed a hand on her with his shoulder as I said goodbye to him and then bid farewell to the rest of the table. I then grabbed my bag from the ground turned and gave one last wave then finally left with my brother. Everybody gave me a weird look. I looked back at him equally confused on why he was looking at me in such a way.

"Is there a problem." I asked well more of stated.

He just shook his head and let out of chuckle. "Little sis never knew your friends would be the VK's." He teased "but honestly you should probably stay away from them they're bad news."

I looked up at my brother and scoffed. "Right, they are so bad. They only saved our butts yesterday not to mention won the game for y'all"

"Whatever just stay way from them"
His statement ended the conversation as well got into the limo our parents sent for us.

Neither of us talked the whole ride home. We just sat on our side of the car looking out our respective window. After two hours we were home. The driver opened my door and assisted me out of the car then closed it after Flynn got out. He bowed and announced us as prince Flynn and princess (y/n). We both nodded to him respectfully and thanked him for the ride then walked twords the castle. As soon as we entered our mother than to us and hugged us close.

"Oh my lovely children I've missed you so much!" She squealed.

"Hi Mom" we both replied then she let go of us.

Next my dad came up to us. He hugged us both and kissed my head before speaking.

"You two seem to grow more and more eachtime we see you." He smiled "Flynn you keeping her out of trouble...and by that I mean (y/n) Flynn is actually studying."

I laughed at the moment while Flynn grumbled. Just then my mother grabbed my hands and looked at my dress. She then looked at me with a smile.

"When did you get this dress. It's lovely."

"Oh uh, Evie made it for me." I lied with a smile

"Evie?" My father asked

"She's one of the VKs who just transferred for our school." Flynn exsplained "you know the kids who caused a scene at parent day."

"Oh?" My mother replied "well it's a lovely dress."

Her tone had changed. She seemed more disappointed about the dress now that's she thought a villian kid head made it. That's not right, I thought. It shouldnt matter who made the dress, if you liked it before you should still like it now. I forced a smile to hide me frustration. Then walked forcefully past my parents.

"Where a going (y/n)?" My father asked and I turned with a smile.

"Oh I'm just tired so I'm gonna go to bed early."

Everyone bid me goodnight as I left the group and headed up the stairs to my room in the castle. When I got to my room a flopped onto the huge bed and began thinking of a possible plan to get my mother's power. I concidered consulting Nona but decided that I needed to do this alone. This was my chance to prove to them in the isle that I can do this. After hours of thought I finally came up with a plan. I waited till dad and Flynn we're in bed then crept from my room and down the hall to the castle library. Mother always stayed up late reading, I'm pretty sure she's done it every single night since she was reunited with my grandparents. Anyway, after I made my way to the library I looked through the crack in the door. There she was curled up reading a book.

It was too bright, I thought and looked up to the chandelier that was lighting the room. I thought hard for a solution since the switch was out of reach and that's when I remembered I had Jane's power. I gluped silently and looked at the light.

"I hope this works." I whispered to myself "Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo."

I pointed my hand twords the light and a thin strand of magic shot at the lights extinguished. A smile Rose to my face at the sight. I pushed the doors open when I heard my mother gasp and silently made my way to her. When I was about half way in my mother started singing. My eyes widened when I realized it was causing my hair to glow. Panicked I ran behind her and covered her mouth.

"Power from with in this being combine with my own simmer inside me til my own power is grown."  I rush out and gold magic surrounds my mother.

I felt her power transfer to me and felt stronger then ever. My mother then when limp in my arms. I checked her heart beat and luckily she was still alive. After carefully moving her body to make it look like she fell asleep in the chair I quickly left the library and ran back to my room. I change into my pajamas and wrote to Nona that it was done. I then crawled into the bed and went to sleep.

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