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My week of school was hell, but today is an alpha meeting so I'm working on lunch.
I take the lunch cart to the meeting room, I knock before heading in.

Quietly I place all the food and drink out before turning to my dad, he smiles and pats the seat beside him.

" son come join us "

I nod before taking a seat with my father, as they talk I catch someone bringing up omegas.

" Pardon me, what was that rushed bit about omegas ?"

A man sitting across from me gives me a stern glare, his messy silver hair seeming to show his frustration with me questioning him.

" well, boy, my pack has had a large number of omega boys being born so the warrior numbers are in danger "

I sit up straight as my eyes narrow in on him, his facial expression hardening.

" well sir, anyone trained properly can be a warrior, even an omega, but it seems you do not care to train them you just want natural-born warriors to send into battle and die, and you have the guts to blame the children in your pack? We pray to the moon goddess for life, you think she would like you looking down on you omega pack members?

"So alpha what are you going to do? If you truly don't want to train your pack then, by all means, let them live amongst other packs and let your title dissolve "

His jaw lay slack as a loud laugh is heard, looking over I see Damon as he laughs.
My father pats my back, pride in his eyes, and his smile.

" well I believe that is enough for today, alphas I will see you all again next month"

As everyone began to leave I watched as Damon got up, but he didn't leave, his father conversed with mine as Damon sat beside me with a small smile.

" so, how ya feeling today soldier ?"

I stare at him, my body begins to warm and my mind foggy, why is he being so nice?
Damon places a hand on my forehead and frowns, why is he frowning?

" Are you not feeling well? You are very flushed "

My cheeks darken as I stare up at him, he just tilts his head and stares at me.

'How is he bothering me so much, I can't even control it!'

" snow, please go check on the girls, I and Damon have to talk "

I nod before silently exiting the room, the girls are just coloring as they sit at Oliver's feet.
At least something today is normal.

---- Damon pov -----

I and my father sit with Ajax as he looks very frustrated, I watch as he straightens up and seems more intimidating.

" I know my son is your mate "

My eyes widen as I stare at him, my father chuckles as he pats my back.
Shaking my head I have to deny his statement, though he just smirks.

" well if he is not your mate then why have you changed so much? You have been much nicer to him this past week unlike the First day you met"

I shrug as I grunt, he is not my mate so I have the right to deny.

" he is not my mate, I have only been nicer to him because I respect his strength"

Ajax just rolls his eyes, my father doing the same.

" my boy, I have seen how you look at him, and I believe he is also feeling the mate bond pulling him closer to you "

I furrow my brows as I shake my head, Ajax growls as I keep denying.

" my mate should not be human! And besides, he's a guy!! And he's scarred And missing part of his tail Damn it !! He's a freak! A human with a tail like a cat !"

I watch as Ajax eyes widen, and then I hear it.
A soft sniffle, I turn to see Snow holding two sleeping girls in his arms and his eyes focusing on the floor.

" I- I uh, wanted to tell you, dad, that I was putting them to bed"

I stare at Snow and see a few tears roll down his cheeks before he turns and runs out, Ajax growls as I stand but I can't deal with him right now I need to apologize.

Before I make it to the door my arm is grabbed, I don't dare look to who though.

"He is a shifter, he never turned because of losing his mother"

The dark tone carried by the usually sweet Alpha quite chilling, I pull my arm away.
I run up a set of stairs and find snow walking into a room with a light yellow door, I peek in to see Snow holding a sketch pad and the drawing he rips out is of me.

I step in just as he begins ripping the paper, he shreds it till it is nothing more than a pile of confetti.

" Snow, I- I'm sorry I didn't mean it"

He shakes his head, and he stands up
Finally looking at me.

" sorry? You didn't mean it? What exactly did you not mean? The part about me being scarred and missing parts of my tail?
That I could never be your mate because I'm human or that I'm male?! Or the part about me being a freak?! Damn it, I was starting to really think you were a good guy! But I shouldn't hope for things because they never happen, I just end up hurting,
If you didn't mean it you shouldn't have said it"

He ends in a whisper, tears rolling down his cheeks.
My wolf wants to comfort him but I don't let him, I just sigh.
I really broke him, for him to cry so openly.

"I'm tired of the pain, I go through so much already my heart doesn't need this, so go "

He says as he points to the door, I step forward earning a growl and a shove back.

" go away Damn it !"

I hang my head as I back out, he shuts his door and locks it.
I make my way downstairs and silently go outside to the car, my father right behind me.

The ride home was silent, and once home I make my way to my room.
I sit on my bed and sigh, my head in my hands.

" I messed up, I messed up bad, ugh my big mouth and right before alpha camp "

I growl as I fall back, my arms over my face.

I need to get him to forgive me, somehow.
My door creeks open and in comes my mom, her blonde hair pulled up into a bun as her eyes narrow on me.

" How could you do that to him? He is such a Sweet boy Damon! And he has been through so much already, I thought I raised you better" as she goes on I just grown, I sit up and frown as my mother continues to scold me.

" I know I messed up, I feel horrible, it's just- I never thought my mate would be a male or the fact they could be a human "

my mother rolls her eyes before sitting down, she leans on me and sighs.

" but that doesn't mean treat him badly, and besides! He isn't a human you oaf, he has that tail, he is a feline shifter like his father but sadly is a very late bloomer! Come now you know your cousin was a late shifter! He was eighteen before we saw him as a wolf !"

I sigh nodding, my wolf not the happiest of creatures right now.
I lay down as my mother pats my head, tell me goodnight before leaving my room.

I really messed up, I really did.

-author-  so yep chapter 3 is updated and out! I hope it's ok and easier to read without making your eyes bleed lol. Working on more editing, I hope I'm doing alright.

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now