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I stare down at the paper in my hands, my stepmom, Amber, giving me a tight hug.

"We better get back to the party, I don't want to miss my grandbaby's first birthday"

I smile giving her a nod, we quickly head outside to the flower-themed party. Poor Paisley is having the worst time do to his allergies, the flowers making him sneeze almost constantly.

"There you both are!"

My dad shouts before wrapping us up in his arms, once free I make my way to the high chair that is covered in sunflowers.
Leilani sits in her seat, her bare feet dangle as she reaches up at the sky.

"Happy birthday to my sweet baby"

I say as I lean over to kiss her cheek, she giggles as she gives me her toothy little smile. Her giggles turn to squeals as two large arms wrap around my middle, I grin as the clean-shaven face of Damon nuzzles into my neck.

"Took you to long in the bathroom, are you alright love?"

I turn to him as his arms still stay around me, planting a kiss on his chin before hugging him.

"I'm fine, just got distracted is all, now let's get cake going before we have hungry little monsters"

He chuckles before kissing the top of my head, everyone soon gathers around our baby girl.
We all begin to sing to her as my sisters put her small white cake in front of her, I help her blow the candle out on her yellow iced cake before she sticks her hand in for a first full.

I help pass the cupcakes out as Damon helps pass people their burgers, feeding everyone before we open gifts.

As we come to the last gift Damon helps our little flower open a pink bag from both sets of grandparents, he holds up a picture frame, the photo being all of us in front Oliver and Nicky's graves.

"I think she likes the photo"

Damon chuckles as Leilani giggles, her chubby hands reaching for the frame the whole time.
I smile before pulling the paper from my pocket, I look from Amber to Damon before handing it to him.

"One last gift, a gift that everyone is gonna love"

Damon raises a brow questioning my words before opening it up, his eyes scan the page before he stops breathing for a moment. His head snaps up as he looks to me, nodding my head he shoots from his seat to me- wrapping me up in a hug with our daughter in the middle.

"Damon! Let everyone else know"

I laugh out as I feel Leilani's wet lips on my chest, Damon stands up straight with me beside him.


He shouts as he shouts his arms up, the pack cheers as does our family. My sisters come up to me, wrapping their arms around me as they squeal.
Adel sobs as she smiles, her husband hugging my dad.

"This is a great first birthday, right baby girl?"

I ask Leilani- her wide brown eyes just stare up at me as she giggles, I kiss her cheeks before she is snatched away by my dad.
Damon lifts me up like a bride- a large smile on his handsome face, kisses are planted up and down my neck as I laugh.

"When are you due? How far are you?"

I just smile as he continues to ramble on- his love showing through his worry.

"I had the blood work done yesterday, about two months- honeymoon baby, Amber said with how slow I heal and how long it took for me to fully shift this baby might be cooking for a full human pregnancy"

His eyes widen- jaw slack as he stares at me, I plant my feet on the ground before waving my hand in front of his stunned face.
Letting a huff out I spin around to face his mother- both of our arms are crossed at his reaction, she just shakes her head.


I gasp- a playful one, hand over my heart as I give a hurt look.

"What am I then?"

She smiles- her hand gripping my arm as she leads me to our house, the newly built home.

"Sweety, you are simply you, unique"

I laugh out as she sits be at the kitchen table, the family soon floods in- all talking about the birthday girl.

( A/N sexual content warning )

----------Damon PoV----------

I groan as my falls onto the bed, it took much more work to clean up after the party then it should have- I blame Snow.

My eyes shoot open when two soft- and very cold hands grab my hips, I grin down at Snow who continues on with pulling my pants off.

"Hello to you too"

I laughed, but soon groan- my head hitting the bed again. I grip the bedsheets as he bobs his head up and down- sucking on the stiffened appendage.

As I lift him I shiver as the cool air hits me, he just grins as he lays on my chest- that is until I roll us so I'm on top of him.

"Naughty little soldier, two surprise attacks in one day?"

He just laughs, I love that sound~ but I love another sound just a bit more.

My lips meet his neck- leaving a trail of small bruises down as I begin undressing him, his small whimpering moans beautiful.
My tongue flicks his nipple- which gets a gasp from my lovely little soldier.

I position my self, ready to thrust into him- when I freeze.

"Will I hit the baby?"

Snow laughs- his hands on my shoulders as he gasps for air.

"No- no you won't hit the baby"

Frowning I start pulling away, I don't want to hurt the baby by doing this.
Snow glares at me- a deep growl like purr coming from him as he tugs me closer, his voice low as he speaks.

"Damon- you won't hurt the baby, I'm pregnant, I'm horny, just stick it in"

I just nod my head, my mate kind of scaring me.
He kisses me, as we kiss I push my self into him. He moans in my mouth, I growl as I pull out before thrusting back in- his claws digging into my back as moans continue to pour out.

As I continue thrusting his moans turn into a panting, both of us coming closer to our release.
With one final thrust, I groan out as I finish inside- Snow is panting as his blush covered body shivers.

"Feel better love?"

My question is answered with a purr, I chuckle before kissing his cheeks- he smiles as we lay on our bed as a tangled mess of limbs.

I hope this is his pregnancy craving.

Author- chapter 17 done, only a few chapters left until this book is finished.
Don't ask why I used the word appendage, lol.

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now