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"Come out, come out where ever you are~"

The sickeningly sweet tone drips with venom, the growl in their throat low as they spoke.

"sweet little kittens shouldn't hide, I might just have to punish your daddy if you aren't willing to obey"

The threatening words echo, crackling flames cause the frames of the houses to splinter.
All is just background noise compared to the whimpers, and cries of children.

The large alpha wolf along with a dangerous mother, guard the young girls, and what pack mates they can.

"Leave us alone! Let my husband go damn it! Let my son go! We did nothing to you!"

She cries out, but a laugh makes them all tense up.
The figure pulls off their mask, dropping it to the ground as they yank Snow's head up to their height.

"Do you recognize my eyes? You should, my father had the same eyes as me- the one's he had on you since you were little"

Snow digs his claws into the man's hand, blood rolling down his hands.
Ajax groans as the heavy foot presses into his chest, he claws up at the leg but fails to do any real damage.

"Why- why me?"

He chokes out, the blood loss causing him to be weak.
His father looks up in horror at the sight of his child bleeding out, his body covered in claw marks, and a bullet hole wound in his thigh.

"Because you- precious Snowflake, your mommy was supposed to be my grandfather's wife, but she didn't want an older man- she had to find her mate and have three kids! Her strength, her power, and her beauty- given to stupid cats! Muddying her pure line!"

A growl comes from both Snow and his father, Ajax swings his fist into the man's leg as hard as he can with a loud crack being heard.

Falling he howls out, his army fighting harder than ever.
Pushing the man off of Snow he cradles his son's head in his arms, telling him to keep his eyes open.

Damon lunges at the leader, the man who hurt his mate.
But his whole body freezes, his jaws around the throat of the enemy.

"Stop! Leave- leave him alone or else!"

The shaking voice shouts as he holds a knife to penny's throat, her hands shaking as she holds his wrist- trying to stop him.

"Good boy, I knew I raised you right"

He smirks as the boy cries silently, Damon quickly rips his throat out before running for Penny but phases halfway to catch her.
The knife slips, slicing down her collar bone as he runs for the woods.

The rogues are either killed or have run off, but soon the fire stops as everyone begins searching for family.

Ajax carries Snow to the infirmary as everyone who is wounded follows him, Damon next to him holding a crying Penny.

Ajax helps his mate the best he can, the other Doctors and nurses doing their best to help the pack.
Damon had to call neighboring packs, needing help to rebuild their homes.

Peggy sniffles as she holds a sleeping Leilani, she watches the nurse stitch her sister up carefully.
Damon wraps them up in his arms, his heart pounding with worry for his mate.

"It's ok, they are all gonna be ok"

He whispers, the black-haired girl crying into his shoulder.

"Why would he- he was our best friend"

She sniffles, her heart broken as a friend she thought she could trust did this.

"I'm so sorry sweety, I'm not sure how anyone child could do this"


-Snow PoV-

I jolt awake, my chest aches as I franticly look around the white room.
I swing my legs over, I go to stand but my left leg gives out. I catch myself by gripping the chair in front of me, fire shooting up my leg as I move it.

I slowly make my way to the door, a nurse finding me in the hall leaning on a wall.

I'm given crutches as to walk easier, I make my way outside to find many shifters building.
I hobble out more until a small shifter who is most likely an omega stops me, their body covered in sweat as he is panting.

"Alpha Snow, I'm so happy to see you awake! Alpha Damon said that as soon as you woke up we were to bring you to him"

I nod with a smile, following him slowly.

"Why are our neighboring packs here?"

He smiles as he glances around us, my body aching as I do the same.

"Alpha Damon called them, he asked for there help to rebuild our homes"

My heart flutters almost as I smile, my sweet mate set this up. We continue moving, he holds the door open to my now burned down-home.

"We have put tarps over- over what was the second floor, the main floor and basement still functional for your family"

I thank him before dismissing him, following the scent of Damon I find my self in what was the playroom.
His tall frame sits all balled up in the corner, his head back as snores leave his mouth.

I hobble over, my sides cramping up as I move. Leaning over the crib I brush a few stray strands of hair from my baby girl's face, her sweet sleeping eyes open, letting a coo out as she stares up at me.

"Snow? Snow, babe, why are you walking around by yourself?"

My smile falls at the sound of my husband's hoarse voice, but I turn to him with it back on my face, happy to see him.

"I had help, don't worry, how long was I out?"

I ask as I wrap my arms around my now standing mates neck, his stubble, and dark circles telling me he hasn't been focusing on himself.
He places his warm hands on me, on to my lower back the other to my cheek, his eyes taking in my face like he wouldn't see it again.

"A few days, I called our neighboring packs to help us rebuild, we should have homes for our pack soon"

I nod before kissing his lips, his grip on me tightens as I do. He pulls away looking down, hurt filling his eyes.

"Penny- she got hurt, I didn't protect them- I should have done better but I let anger take control, she says she is ok but still"

He chokes up, I place my hands on his reddening cheeks as I look into his watering eyes.

"They are all alive, Damon you protected them, I just wish I could have done more to help, but it's ok"

I press a kiss to his chin, Damon holding back tears as he takes shaking breaths.

Author- hello this is the newest chapter of the book, chapters will now be a bit slower as I am actively writing the new chapters.
Thank you for sticking with me my Noodles! Chapter 16 of 2020.

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now