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" girls stop!"

I laugh, my sides being tickled mercilessly by my sisters.

" then watch frozen with us! "

"yea! Sing along with Elsa! Please !"

I laugh, gasping for air.
They giggle as they bounce on the couch, the cinnamon pancakes we had for breakfast fueling them.

" ladies, sit down please, I have our needed movies and snack buffet is set, so please take your seats so the fun can begin "

They grin before hopping onto the couch, Damon helps me up before kissing my nose.
He pulls me onto his lap, pressing play on the remote to start the movie.


Later that night as the girls snore gently, Damon and Snow spoke freely.

"Do you have any idea how much I love this?"

His deep rumbling voice questioned, a soft smile making his face seem gentle.

"A lot? Because I do"

The smaller male breaths out, his face nuzzling into his mate's neck.
As their fingers intertwine, the silent home at peace. Damon lowers his voice to a whisper, his Mates heart a flutter.

"What would you wear at our wedding? When we do get married"

He asks, his heart hammering against his chest as it only does for his love.

"My family has a tradition, only a few have broken and I am choosing not to but I am modifying.
My grandma Nicholas wore a dress on his wedding day, the very dress I now own- though I think I will make it into a suit, or have a suit made to look similar to the dress"

At his light whispers and a faint smile, Damon knows it would mean the world to him.

"The colors for our wedding?"

He asks, letting his sweet mate do the planning because if he is happy Damon is happy.

As Snow rambles on about small details of his dream wedding, Damon takes silent notes as to give his love the perfect wedding.

He has been planning this for a long time

As the pale white-haired Soldier lays peacefully in bed, the once harsh and bullheaded Alpha runs his fingers over his mates back like feathers.
He leans down, placing a kiss onto each scar, careful of the sensitive flesh.

Though scarred, he was beautiful.

Snow was his heart, his fierce and strong-willed soldier- his little Alpha, his mate.


" I am not fit to be with them, I may hurt them! And if I did that I- I couldn't stand breathing! I can't eat or sleep, I am just rotting away from the loss of so many"

A sob making his weak body shake, his cold hands grasping at the sides of his face.

"I am weak, so weak! My baby girls deserve a strong figure to look up to, a teacher, one to lead them to greatness! Please, only tell my son when I pass, do not hurt my girls, they will forget me one day and that is perfectly fine, give him my letters, and give his mate the letter in black"

He cries, his voice hoarse from the little use.
Stumbling away from his family he crumbles onto the bed, cold pale skin and freezing hands reminding him of his rotting.

Each morning waking to the new hair on his pillow that has fallen out in the night, and body growing weaker by the day.
All he has left for his family is his letters, and the memories they have of him.

He clenches his skinny hands into fists, weakened teeth biting his blanket as he muffled his screams.

It's broken him, and the fact he can't even live for his kids makes it worse.


As time ticks by and the two packs grow closer, an unknown danger works closer to their goal.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen but through the great deeds they have done, and the teachings passed down generation to generation will this only make us stronger.

Through loss, we grow and as we grow only time will tell.


Chapter 12, edited and updated.

I'm working to update this story, and I'm working on new stories as well!
I thank you all for sticking with me, and for all your support.

You all truly mean the world to me,
Love you all!!!

This is a bit shorter, sorry all.

This is a bit shorter, sorry all

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I got tagged. You know who you are-

1. Lee
2. Brown, like most people
3. Brown... But I dye it every now and again.
4. I live with a syndrome that affects every little part of my life lol.
5. Gray
6. My home.
7. Brendon Urie / I can't spelllllll
8. White tiger.
9. Death of a bachelor
10. Edgar Alen Poe full book


Do as you wish noodles.

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now