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Ringing filled the school as my lungs constrict, my head buzzing as throw my things under my lunch table to hide.

My muscles tighten as my body curls around my bag, my head burns as smoke fills my head.
I squeeze my eyes shut, my head unable to take the noise.

As my breathing becomes too labored I feel sick, the ringing of the alarm now being drowned out by the ringing in my ears.
I thought I heard a voice calling out, but as I opened my eyes they teared up do to smoke.

I feel a hot gust blow over me, then all of a sudden I feel weightless.
I growl out as I thrash, blindly trying to protect myself.
I feel a hard crack as my fist hits what I thought to be a face, more hands are on me before I'm dragged.

Soon I feel the cool wet grass under me, my body begins relaxing as a mask is put to my face and fresh oxygen fills my lungs.
Water is poured into my eyes, I blink quickly as light blinds me.
I take in a sharp breath, my heart racing as I grip the grass under me.

Their screams, the smoke that filled the air thick.
The only thing to be seen was light, the light I see at the end of the small air shaft I am making .my way through.

I scream out, tears running down my face.
The memory painful, I struggle against the hands the try to hold me.
Arms wrap around me tightly, my throat tightening as I cry.

----- Damon pov------

I held him close, his thrashing slowing down as time goes.
I hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping this calms him at least enough to breathe.

" Snow, calm down, please, It's ok"

I whisper to him but fail to get through.
I do what I can only think to do next, he has to calm down so he can breathe.

" don't hate me snow "

I mutter before holding his face up, my lips hover above his for a moment before I make our mouths connect.

I pull away to see his tear-filled eyes, I didn't realize till now he had two different colored eyes.
After a silent moment his blue and brown eyes fall shut, his head falls on to my shoulder.

I stand quickly, holding him and his bag close to me.
I begin to sprint through the woods towards his home, my heart races as I jump over roots and a creek.

I almost fall through the doors to his packs infirmary, I move past a nurse to lay him on a bed as my frantic eyes scan for the doctor.

A nurse tends to Snow as another pulls me aside, she begins questioning me as I answer the best I can with my fuzzy mind.

Black spots begin to fill my vision as my words slur, my knees buckle as a nurse tries to catch me.
I look around as the blurry figures begin to gather around me, my chest hurting badly.

----Snow pov ----

I blink away the blurriness in my vision as my eyes finally open, my head throbbing as the light assaults my vision.

I sit my self up, a frown forms as I see I'm in a hospital bed.

'What happened?'

I look over as a door opens, a nurse comes in then smiles at me.

" oh good! I will go tell alpha Ajax that you are up "

The young nurse says before rushing out, I look around before my breath gets stuck in my throat.

In a bed near mine is Damon, his eyes closed as an oxygen mask rests on his face.

I slowly slide onto the cold floor before making my way to his bed, my mind still fuzzy as my legs feel like they weigh a ton.

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now