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Locked behind the thick wooden door, sitting in the middle of the room with papers scattered around him is the Snow.
His eyes red, and his nose raw, he stares at the wall as a storm of emotions attacks.

"Snow, my heart, my soul, please let me in"

A strained voice begs, eyes showing his hurt but so desperately trying to hide it so as to not worry the small twins that are running around.
He rests his head on the door, listening to his mate's jagged breaths.

"Alpha Pinewood, would you like me to begin dinner?"

A young wolf asks, his eyes on the floor as his arms curl around his middle. The young man trying not to upset the alpha, that being the last thing he would want.

With a soft sigh Damon turns around, sliding his body down to the floor he runs a hand through his hair.

"No, I will make dinner, thank you though"

The small wolf smiles as he nods, Damon watches as he runs off before getting up.

"I will bring you dinner, and if I have to I will break this damn thing down"

He whispers to the door, a small smile forming on his face before heading to the kitchen.

"Damon, my brother isn't doing well, he is hurting, isn't he?"

Peggy asks, her young eyes hiding her old soul as she watches Damon.
He frowns, rubbing the girl's head.

"He is sad, but with us three I'm sure he will be happy again soon, alright girls?"

Peggy nods as her sister does the same, both watching Damon as he works on dinner that smells amazing.

Amazingly not burnt.

As the girls eat happily, Damon carries two plates to the wooden door.


He demands, his calm voice never sounding gruff. Still, the strong voice has its way with the other male who has been hiding inside, not able to ignore his mate or his family any longer.

As the door opens ever so slightly, Damon slides in to sit the food down on the desk.
He turns to his mate before scooping him up in a hug, both finally able to take a deep breath.

Snow nuzzled into his mate's chest as said mates warm hands rub his back, the feeling of someone he loves calming his aching heart.

"Why would he- I can't see them calling me dad, I'm not- I couldn't- that's his title! he's our dad, I can't"

He stutters out, big hot tears blur his vision as his heart races. His breath gets caught as he sobs, Damon holds him closer as he cries.

"You, my love, are not replacing him, and you know why he doesn't want a funeral- or for the twins to know the truth, his last wish, his last way of protecting them, is for them not to know he's gone, it hurts, but think of those girls, let him protect them one last time"

He whispers to his mate, giving his soft white hair a kiss as his body relaxes. He moves his mate to the desk, sitting him on it before taking a plate in hand.

When the food has been eaten, and dishes washed, the four young werewolves all curl up on the couch for a movie night.

Today they recover, tomorrow they work.
the young alphas have online classes along with pack duties to attend to, the twins have school, along with training to start.
Daughters of a alpha must train just as hard as the other kids, if not harder.

Life goes on after one life ends, that's how things work.
When one chapter ends, a new one begins.

"Can we watch it again? Please?"

Penny begs, her sister Peggy groans as frozen is displayed on the screen.
The girly one of the twins still loves frozen, Peggy preferred Scooby.

"I wanted to watch Scooby-Doo! We have watched frozen three times now!"

Snow sighs, a growing migraine from all the obnoxious singing affecting his vision.

"This is the last time we watch this, we will watch Scooby-Doo next, just please, for the love of the moon goddess, quiet down"

He groans out, holding a pillow over his face. The girls duck their heads down as they start the movie again, but turning the volume down as to help.

"Love? Would you like some pain medication?"

A worried Damon asks, and all he receives is a quiet whimper with a nod.
As he grabs the medication and a bottle of water he sighs.
From all the worry, and stress along with the crying- his strong little mate is in pain.

"Love? Would you like to go lay in bed?"

He whispers as he gives him the pain killers and water.
His mate takes the medication before slowly nodding his head, white hair falling to his eyes as he does.

As he lifts him up he turns to the twins, a soft smile on his face as he looks at them.

"Stay in the house you two, use the link if you need me"

He practically whispered, the girls smiling up at him with thumbs up in the air.

Since they had marked each other it has bound the packs, so now they all can share a link. They are stronger this way.

Damon carries his mate to their room, setting him down on their large bed gently before lifting his mate's arms up to pull his shirt off.

He lays down with Snow after undressing him to his briefs, Damon left his own sweat pants on just in case the girls or the pack needed him.
Snow curls up next to him, nose nuzzling into Damon's neck as he begins to relax.

"I will always take care of you, and our family, you and those amazing little girls, our packs, and our future kids, no one will hurt my family"

He whispers, his heart beats a bit faster as a soft kiss to his neck sends shivers through his body.
Snow smiles as he clings to his mate, his tail curling around Damon's leg the best it can.

"You are amazing, even if you were an ass when we first met"

Damon chuckles, those words so very true.

"Yeah, I was, but I'm glad I've changed, I couldn't imagine a happy life, a happy existence without you and the girls"

He chuckles out, Snow nodding his head before giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
Damon's soft, and warm lips against his chapped, thin, and cold ones.

As snow drifts away to the land of sleep his mate plans, he plans out an amazing day for his mate.

The girls silently watch movies as they color, no idea of what has happened to their father, no idea that their life is changing forever.

Author- chapter 13, edited and updated for your reading pleasure.
Hope you enjoyed, <3

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now