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Staring down at a headless body- my pack going mad behind me, I sniff the area try to catch who did this.

As my warriors clear out the women with children I turn the body over, my eyes narrow into a glare at the carved words.

' I'm still alive '

I search for any birthmarks or any mating marks.
I check the shoulders bringing a frown to my face, I know him.

Straightening up, I make my way to a female wolf who cares for the pups that do not have a family.

"Kiki, did you feel any pain with in the past twenty-four hours ?"

She shakes her head no, looking her in the eyes she sighs.

" the body belongs to my old mate, doesn't it? I wouldn't have felt anything because we broke the bond a year back, he wanted to be an explorer, and I wanted a family "

I nod, giving her shoulder a squeeze before returning to the body.
Broken bond, at least he still had her marking.

"I want patrol covering each side of our territory, no gaps! Each group patrols six hours! Understand!"

They all nod, giving one loud howl group before the first group is off.
I assist the doctor in taking the body to our morgue, she will be doing a full autopsy on him to get more information.

Sitting in my office I have just made six phone calls, informing our neighboring packs of the body.
I quickly dial one last number, my heart pounding in my chest.

"hello my little alpha"

I sigh, my heart calming just a bit.

"Damon, pack business, my pack has just received a threat, a headless member was dropped on my land and I know who is behind it, I- We need to talk in person"

I hear a loud growl as cracking sounds followed by static, I hang the phone up know he broke his.

As I wait on him I go to the basement, checking the locks of our safe room.
I find my old files from when I was in the military, my hands shaking slightly as I try to not get to lost in those bad memories.

As I finish laying out all the information I have, six large men stomp into my office followed by Damon.

"I brought some back-up"

I chuckle as I shake my head, pushing forward my paperwork for him to read I take in a deep breath.

"I can see that, so the man behind this- I believe, is Ali Monts, a narcissistic pain in my ass, this bastard is the one who took part of my team to get to me, he knew I would be leading the rescue mission as I believe he knows I am going to hunt him down, I thought he had died during a large firefight but now I know he did not"

Damon's eyes turn black, and a snarl on his face.
The six men smirk, and the tallest of them laughs.

"We can handle him! No problem !"

I roll my eyes as I cross my arms, leaning back I let out a sigh.

" cocky attitude, that's what's gonna get ya killed, this man captured five trained wolf shifters, and captured me during the rescue mission, he is smart and has a silver tongue, never let your guard down, he will do all he can to fool you just as he has done with others, I have a feeling he has used that silver tongue to form a pack of rogues"

They all growl, I look through my files before laying out two pictures.

The first is of a few men that had been captured, the other is of what he has done to a whole village by himself.

"If he can do this by himself, just imagine what he can do with a small army, this man is a monster "

After a short talk on how we will protect the packs, I drop onto my bed, my mind going a mile a minute as my back begins to sting.
Warm hands glide up my back before beginning to massage my shoulders, a stressed groan slips earning a husky chuckle to escape Damon.

I roll onto my back, him staring right at me.
He grins, lust, and mischief in his eyes as he leans down, our noses brushing against one another.

" I would push you off, but I'm exhausted, so lay beside me for a nap or go fix dinner "

He chuckles, his body shifts to lay beside me as his face nuzzles my neck.
I smile, his fingers tangle in mine.

"Nothing bad will happen to you, or the girls, as long as I breathe and my heartbeats, I promise "

He kisses my shoulder, his words staying with me as I drift off.

" aahh !!! SNOW !"

I jump up, sleep making my eyes blurry as I run towards my sister's screams and loud growling.
I climb over the broken and splintered door, scooping up my sister's.
We watch as Damon's wolf throws a grey-furred and red-eyed rogue out the window, his eyes black as he jumps out to deal with it.

I search the girls for any injuries, I let out a sigh of relief when they are okay.
I listen to Damon as he drags the half-dead rogue to the cells, him just growling as my pack warriors assist.

I take the girls to my room, laying them in my bed.
I lay with them as their little hearts race, I begin to sing to them.

Just like mom used to.

"rest your eyes, It will be alright, just close those eyes and say good night, its time to dream~ under the moonlight~

Just rest your eyes, drift off in the night,
Just close your eyes, and believe that you can fly,

Because if you dream you can I know one day you will, just rest your little heads and then you can~

Dream, my loves, like you have never dreamt before
Keep your hearts, as open as the outdoors,

Shush, my loves, now it's time to say
Goodnight~ "

I sigh, the weight of two little bodies weighing me down.
A naked body walks in, his muscles tense and slightly panting.
Damon lays down on my legs, his body burning up do to the adrenaline but he soon relaxes becoming much heavier.

Closing my eyes I try to relax, my mind still running after tonight's events.

' I gotta kill him, if it's the last thing I do, I promise '

Chapter 10 - edited- 
I hope you enjoyed

Catnip Gets Me High Book 5Where stories live. Discover now