Camila/You - Saving you - Prologue

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Camila/You – Saving You – Prologue

A/N : I don't know how I can write so many fics at the same time. Clearly I'm even surprised myself. So this one is my 6th one (the others being TBSE, MGA, LBD, NLDSM & EHC). I promised I will finish these six between starting a new one. Anyway, so I told you guys I wanted to read a zombie fic too. And as I read this fic suggestion (Can someone please write a camila/you fic but like you meet during a zombie apocalypse when u save her or her sister with like little drama and a lot of action come on please !!!!) I told myself why the hell not!? Anyway now you know I've got plenty of fic that I'm currently writing. But I wanted to give you this little prologue to see if you guys would be interested in it. You have to know that the updates are going to be slower even if I'm on summer break. I'll try to alternate which fics I update everyday. Anyway I hope you will like it. e

Your point of view.

13 months. That was how long it had been since the outburst. It had been 13 months since the humans began hiding and the dead began walking around the streets chasing the few of us that have actually managed to run. There was no living anymore, the only that mattered to us who were still alive was to survive. We had to as we didn't want to get bitten. Walkers became more and more numerous around us and every time it felt like they got closer to us, with every one of their attacks, taking some of us with them. My name was Y/N and I was part of this group of people that had found shelter in a secured small town that we had cleaned from zombies. We had built up a fence around the town in order to prevent the undead to walk in and to take our lives along with the flesh on our bones. We had established a system of patrol, each one of us, in group of three, would be put around each side of the fence and shoot the walkers that would present themselves in front of our doors. This kind of living implied some complications though. From time to time some of us would be send to the closest towns in order to find some food to keep the 51 of us alive and well-fed. I was the one who would usually lead the pack through the town as I had happened to manage to survive alone out there for 4 months. I was different form the others though. I didn't care about anyone but me. I forced myself not to care because in this world you could loose the people you care about too fast and I couldn't go through that once more. At the beginning of the epidemic, I had lost every single person I cared about leaving me alone to face this world at only 18 years old. I strengthened myself as I learned how to fight, how to shoot, how to aim, how to survive. Of course if anyone around me was in danger I would go and help them but not because I would happen to care about them but only because the more we are the more hands we have to fight against walkers. That was a selfish way of thinking but my heart had turned to ice since the day I had lost my family seeing each one of them turned to walkers and being unable to put a bullet through their heads. They may have been walkers but they were still the people I had cared about all my life. If they were to wander around as walkers I wasn't the one who was going to stop them. 5 of us were now walking in the streets of Miami, each one of us chained to a pair of harmless walkers as they had their arms cut and their jaw crushed. They were just useful for us as they covered our scents. We had gone separate way, telling each other that we would come back to the entrance of the town in 30 minutes. I had probably been walking for 15 minutes when I heard it, a scream.

“Please ! Somebody help!” the voice shouted. It was a high-pitched female voice. The distress in the so called voice caused my heart to skip a beat. I've heard a lot of people screaming in the past, calling for help but I have never heard that amount of fear. Telling myself that human beings had to stick together to get a chance to survive I began pulling on the chains that were linking me to the two walkers I was with to make them walk at a faster pace, I headed to the direction of the screams soon joined by a guy from my group, Stefan. The sight made a shiver run through our spines. There was a massive amount of walkers all pressed together, trying to reach something that was above them. As I looked up, I saw it,a body, a survivor was hanging to a footbridge that linked the two buildings. I frowned as I looked closer and saw that it was a little girl, just a child. She was trying to get back on top of the footbridge but the more she moved the more her grip on it seemed to loosen. I looked at Stefan and he understood what my simple gaze meant.

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