The Dinner

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Once the crew was all seated at a corner booth at their local Denny's, Rose stands.

"Alright boys, don't miss me too much. I'll be right back," She gives a small wave before exiting again. The guys all look at each other in confusion before shrugging and beginning to talk about youtube.

About fifteen minutes later Rose had returned. She tossed a black duffel bag on the ground below the table and took her seat, next to Swagger.

"What's that?" Smii7y asks, knowing the duffel bag looked hella suspicious to others.

"Lot's of sex toys," Rose answers in a normal voice and a woman sitting in a table not to far from them gasped. "Yeah, you're disgusted right? How about you don't eaves drop on conversations that are none of your business," She shoots the lady a cold glare which sends shivers down Smii7y and Kryoz's back.

"It's her supplies. She ditches them when she has to run so she can run faster and so on the off chance that she's caught, the shit isn't thrown away." Swagger explains, nudging his sisters shoulder so she'd stop glaring at the woman.

"Supplies? Are you like a drug dealer for huge crowds?" Kryoz jokes.

"Ah no, I'm a graffiti artist, this is why we travel in pairs by the way. Always need a pair of eyes to watch  your corner," She points out.

"Is that how you got caught? You were doing it alone, again." Swagger has a tone to his voice, they can't tell if it's anger or worry.

"Technically, I'm not caught if I don't have to pay bail." She reasons and Swagger just shakes his head.

"So... you're a graffiti artist? Then what was all that part earlier about traveling?" Smii7y asks.

"Oh, I travel the world and do graffiti everywhere,"

"Really? What's your preferred style?" Smii7y asks, making Kryoz look at him weird.

"Well as far as art style I don't really have one, I can do a bit of everything. If you meant like what kind of graffiti style, I mostly do heaven pieces." Rose smiles, happy that someone knows a little more about graffiti than the normal civilian.

"Those are pretty dangerous, you don't do those when you're alone do you?" Smii7y gives her a worried look and she shakes her head.

"It really depends on where I am. If I have  to be held up by any type of rope and stuff then no, but if I'm just scaling a couple buildings and doing the one right next to it or a small throw up on the roof part then I'm usually alone." She explains.

"Am I the only one that doesn't know what's going on?" Kryoz asks and Rose giggles.

"Sorry, a heaven piece which is also known as a dare devil piece is just a piece of graffiti that is places that are hard to reach like rooftops and the sides of bridges and such," Rose explains, Swagger goes to say something and she cuts him off, "And no matter how much you hate it, I'm not going to stop."

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