The Final Day In AU

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"I kind of don't want to leave," Michelle mumbles. Her back was resting on Cam's chest and his arm was around her.

"I don't want you to either if that helps any," Cam frowns.

"I would stay longer but I have to get back to work and finish this article," Michelle gets excited just thinking about it.

"What time is our flight?" Eric yawns, coming out of his bedroom.

"Tonight at 11," Rose doesn't look up from her laptop.

"Whatcha doin?" Toby looks towards Rose as he comes out of his room.

"Designing my next piece, I think I'm gonna try a political piece. Someone inspired me," Rose smiles towards Michelle.

"Oh now I'm excited, maybe I can do an article on graffiti someday." Michelle closes her eyes and cuddles into Cam's side.

"You guys are so gay," Eric looks at Cam and Michelle then looks at Toby and Rose. Toby who was just watching her work over her shoulder and Rose who was just working, not thinking about what was going on across from her.

"We're gay for each other," Cam points out.

"So... did I miss the part where you guys announced something uh... or do we just all cuddle like that now?" Eric questions.

"Oh they're dating now," Rose smiles, not looking up from her laptop.

"Is that what your piece is gonna look like?" Toby asks, changing the subject.

"More or less, it's gonna have to be a longer piece I guess." Rose shrugs.

"I don't know who that is but I think I do," Toby looks at the back of the jacket, remembering a headline with it.

"Wanna try and decipher my piece? It'll help so I'll know what I need to change so it's more obvious," Rose smiles at him.

Eric sits down on the other side or Rose and looks at the piece she has roughly pieced together with drawings and pictures on photoshop.

"Oh I see," Eric pieces it together immediately.

"Uh okay so that woman is in a position of power, from all the lights and cameras pointing at her, I guess. And she's walking on top of cages that look to be holding small children, and there's no cameras on them so I guess there's no press coverage of that? Also her jacket says, 'don't really care, do u?' on it so that's a thing." Toby looks through the piece and Rose nods.

"That's exactly what I was going for, awesome." She smiles and saves her work.

"I'm extra excited for this piece now, I love when people take hits at the Trumps." Michelle laughs.

"Oh that's who it is," Toby recalls. "Nice piece, will you post it to your instagram?"

"Maybe, I'll definitely do a time lapse of a practice of it for my youtube channel though." Rose thinks out loud, "Not sure if it's something I really want to put on my instagram since my page on there has literally just been me uploading my tags and what not but it might be worth it to purge some of the negative people that follow me."

The group talks about different political pieces as they make the final lunch they would share together before Eric, Rose, and John would fly back to America and Cam and Toby to New Zealand.

Eric could tell Rose's anxiety was increasing exponentially as the time for their departure grew closer but he also knew he couldn't do much about it. Which heavily upset him.

They enjoyed a fancy dinner, at the treat of Rose of course. And some edibles that Rose had made after lunch with the help of Mason.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Cam smiles at the group.

"No, you'll only miss Michelle." Rose nudges his arm playfully and they all laugh.

"I'll come back, I just need to somehow get another article that requires me to be in New Zealand. But I trust us, long distance relationships work as long as we want them to." Michelle smiles and Cam nods, leaning over and giving her a gentle kiss.

"And what about you?" Eric whispers so only Toby can hear him.

"Huh?" Toby frowns and Eric nods his head towards his sister who he could tell was only more so on edge despite the intake of weed.

Toby shakes his head, more nervous than Rose probably. Eric sighed, knowing neither of them would make a move.

"We have to go guys," John calls, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Keep in touch?" Toby looks at Rose and she nods, giving him a tight hug before they leave.

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