The Collaborating

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"I can do the tag and you can do the painting, I know you don't have an official throw up art style but you can pick one and I can do it. Or try to at least." Rose hands her drawing pad over to Michelle.

"You can do almost anything, why don't you do political pieces?" Michelle flips through the pages carefully.

"I could. I've never thought about it before really, more or less just wanted my big pieces out there." Rose shrugs.

"I saw one of your pieces in Chicago, the big skull that's surrounded by roses and a lot of thorns," Michelle looks up from the drawing book.

"The one that's bleeding?" Rose asks and Michelle nods. "That was one of my favorite pieces, it took me so long. I had to go back the next night to finish up the blood dripping and what not."

"Are all of your art pieces that you do roses and bones? Besides your detailed tags and what not."

"Yeah, I feel like it's my brand. I always have plans to try different things but I never really get around to it. But for this piece I'll leave the art work to you," Rose smiles.

"What you're doing is art too! We might need someone else to be our eyes, since it's gonna be a longer piece." Michelle frowns.

"I could get one of my friends, Ezra would be down anytime to do it but I don't know if he has any free time." Rose pulls out her phone and texts him.

"Get your brother to do it," Michelle goes back to looking through the art pad.

"Eric's been spending all his free time with his girlfriend I don't wanna take that from him," Rose chuckles.

Rose spends a bit texting Ezra, him saying he had a friend in town visiting but that he wouldn't mind spending some time being their eyes.

Rose and Michelle spend a little longer planning out their piece and then spend some extra time picking out color schemes that go together but also don't so it would catch peoples eyes.

It was nearing midnight when they left Rose's place with all their supplies and headed towards Ezra's. When they got there Rose went to knock on the door, letting Michelle wait in the car.

"Hello?" A tall man answers the door and Rose immediately recognizes him as Cam.

"Hi, sorry I'm here to steal Ezra from you for a bit." Rose looks behind him a bit but can't see Ezra anywhere.

"Uh... he kind of passed out like an hour ago." Cam frowns. "He did mention having plans though if you want me to try and wake him," he offers.

"No don't worry about it I guess, he's impossible to wake up when he takes his weed naps. Guess we'll have to reschedule our plans," Rose looks back at Michelle who was staring straight at Cam.

"What exactly were the plans? If you don't mind me asking." Cam looks out at the car and offers Michelle a small wave which she returns.

"Well my friend and I are graffiti artists and we have this huge piece planned but we needed a set of eyes to watch our backs and stuff. Ezra has done it for me in the past so... Yeah." Rose runs her fingers through her hair.

"I can do that," Cam offers with a smile.

"I wouldn't ask you to, it's dangerous and it's a long piece so we'll be out all night." Rose frowns but Cam shrugs.

"Not like I have plans, I wouldn't mind really. I guess I would just need to change into black huh?" He asks and Rose nods.

Rose turns back to Michelle and gives her a thumbs up and Michelle laughs.

"I don't actually own a black shirt but I have this jacket," Cam holds up a dark grey jacket.

"Well that will have to work because I definitely don't have a sweatshirt that will fit you," Rose laughs and Cam joins in as they walk to her car.

"I'm Cam by the way," Cam introduces himself as he gets in the back seat.

"I'm RoseBones and this is Sin," Rose introduces them with their street names as she starts the car.

"Her real name is Rose, and I'm Michelle." Michelle introduces them again and Cam nods.

"Wait... Rose? Isn't that-"

"Yes, I'm Eric's sister." Rose nods.

"Holy shit, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you," Cam raises his eye brows, thinking about everything he's heard not only from the crew but from his closest friend, Toby.

"Mostly good stuff I hope," Rose jokes as she starts turning down empty streets.

"Definitely all good stuff, I think the only complaint I've heard is that you have more subs than all of us combined," Cam jokes. "How many do you have? No one had your link."

"I think I just hit seven million subscribers," Rose nods and Cam's eye brows raised further than before.

"What about you?" Cam looks towards Michelle who seems surprised that the conversation switched over to her.

"Oh I don't have a channel or anything... I'm more of a new comer." She shrugs.

"Newcomer my ass, she's got a lot of talent just not a lot of time to work with it." Rose points out and Michelle feels a blush spreading on her cheeks.

"I'm excited to see your guys work then," Cam smiles at Michelle and she smiles back, all the nervousness of collaborating with Rose dissipating.

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