The New Friend

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Rose had been going solo for these past few months because she was far too tired of dealing with other artists to replace David. Most of the time when she went out she would run into other artists and they would agree to be each others eyes while they were nearby each other but she had moved her schedule around so she could be out when the least amount of cops were.

It usually worked out in her favor but it also lead to some of the biggest chases she had ever had.

She missed David but she also didn't. She had been friends with him since she graduated high school and he wanted to throw that away just so he could pursue Toby. Toby, who had made it clear that he didn't like David like that. He had admitted that he might have at the beginning but realized David lead a very fast paced life style and it didn't match with his.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice calls out, snapping Rose out of her daze.

She looks up towards the voice and locks eyes with a girl who was wearing a face mask and her hood up. She kind of reminded her of Jay. Her eyes quickly jump to her makeshift rope that was tied around her waist and the bridge up above, making sure the girl hadn't touched it.

"Where's your buddy? Don't you know it's dangerous to do something like this alone?" The girl asks again.

"Yeah I'm fine and no buddy I'm solo." Rose calls up, reaching into her smaller bag to grab a different cap so she could add detail.

"Only two kind of people do heaven pieces alone, idiot new comers and experienced old comers. Which one are you?" The girl hops up on the ledge and sits down, dangling her feet over it.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Rose asks but she felt like the girl knew what she was talking about so she didn't mind it. She just had to be careful who she trusted.

"I'm just trying to figure out your story, I'm solo too. But I guess it isn't that bad for me since I'm not daring enough to do heaven pieces. I recently got kicked out of my crew but even when I was with them I preferred working alone. Something about being alone while you create art just makes it so much easier to speak your mind through the can," The girl starts venting basically but Rose doesn't mind it. She can tell the girl definitely knows what she's talking about.

"I bet you're wondering why I got kicked out of the crew, or maybe you aren't but I'm gonna tell you anyway. I originally joined the crew because it was run really well and we would all pitch in money to buy a bunch of paint and then split the paint between us. And we would help out the people that couldn't afford it sometimes and it even helped me when I was short on my luck. But recently the leaders of the crew haven't been donating money to the funds and they've been taking a lot of paint. Then they started making it mandatory to pay a certain amount each month. I only work part time, doing this is how I get my creative freedom. But I don't really have a lot of spending money." The girl sighs.

"Anyway, one of the leaders tried to ask me on a date. I don't like him like that I mean, I have enough to worry about in my life than worry about some guy that can't even properly run a crew. Basically he raised the prices that I had to pay monthly so I just stopped paying and stopped showing up for group meetings and planning and stuff." The girl was looking up at the sky now, probably remembering happier times.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to vent to you, random stranger slash graffiti artist that could be a new idiot or a brilliant talented person. I guess I just don't talk about it much. Or well, I just haven't had the chance to."

"My name is Rose Bones, my street name at least." Rose slowly pulls herself up with the rope, being careful not to step on the fresh paint.

"Nice to meet you, so it was the latter." The girl smiles.

"What do you mean?" Rose pulls herself up onto the ledge and sits next to the girl.

"You're an experienced old comer. I've seen a lot of your work around town, I'm Sin. My street name at least." She smiles and holds her hand out and Rose gladly shakes it.

"My real name is Rose so I guess I'm not too far from what I'm known for." She introduces herself.

"And my name is Michelle, not even close to Sin." She chuckles and Rose nods.

"How did you get your name?" Rose asks.

"Well like I mentioned, I do street art for creative freedom, I usually do sort of political pieces. Or pieces calling big companies out." Sin explains.

"Oh? What's your day job?" Rose looks over at her.

"I'm a journalist, which you'd think would come with a lot of creative freedom but not when the corporations pay big money for their names to be spared from the headlines. So I usually end up with a lot of juicy information that I can't even write about. In the end, I just paint a small piece about it." Sin smiles and Rose nods.

"I think we'll get along pretty well, wanna go get something to eat? There's an IHOP that isn't a far walk from here." Rose offers and Sin nods eagerly.

"That would mean so much to me," She smiles.

"Let me pack my stuff and we can head out," Rose gets off the edge and starts putting all her cans into her duffel bag. Once she finished picking everything up, including her little makeshift rope, they started walking toward IHOP, ready to start a new friendship.

Rose Bones | Misfits | TobyOnTheTeleWhere stories live. Discover now