The Flirting

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"So how long have you guys been partners?" Toby asks.

"Almost 5 years now," David smiles at Toby.

"And you're not tired of each other yet?" John jokes.

"We get tired of each other all the time but we work really well together so we put up with it to get our art out there." David leans forward a bit.

"You okay?" Eric asks in a quiet voice, noticing how uncomfortable his sister looked.

"Yeah no I'm fine," She whispers back.

"Don't lie to me," He warns, "Wanna go take a smoke break with me?" Rose nods and they stand.

"Where are you two going?" John asks.

"Brother sister bonding time over a juul, we'll be back in a bit." Eric shows his juul and they walk outside.

"Did David do something? Because I might not be able to take him down alone but I'll do my best," Eric says the second the door closes, leaving them on their back porch and the rest of the guys inside.

"Not exactly, it's what I'm scared he's gonna do." Rose sighs and sits down on the ledge, letting her feet hang over the ledge.

"What is he gonna do?"

"He likes Toby."

"So? You watch my videos, you know Toby doesn't care about stuff like that." Eric sits down and hits his juul, handing it over to Rose so she can hit it as well but she shakes her head.

"I know Toby doesn't conform to gender norms, what I mean is he deserves better than David," Rose frowns.

"Down talking your own friend of 5 years, what's wrong with him? Not that I'm trying to defend him, you know I don't like him."

"No I mean yeah kind of... Look David isn't... the best in relationships. When you have the money and looks that he has do you really think he worries about being in a healthy relationship?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"He and I tried dating once,"


"Shh, they'll come check on us." Rose warns, "It's not like I really get in relationships anyway, and we're together all the time so we figured, why not?"

"Because I don't like him that's why," Eric frowns.

"Yeah well if I said I didn't like weed would you stop smoking it?" Rose smirks and Eric rolls his eyes.

"So why is he so bad?"

"He doesn't stay faithful, he never plans to and I guess he makes it known to people now when he gets in relationships with them now, if you can even call it a relationship. Which I guess is one thing but he gets mad territorial."

"So he's a hypocrite?" Eric raises his eye brows.

"Definitely. He always wanted me to ask his permission before I did anything, even though we were usually doing it together. Like times when we would be planning a huge collaboration, I would mention something we could do and he would be like, 'is that a question or a demand' and it was just... Not great." Rose frowns.

"Are we talking shit about David out here?" John whispers as he opens the door and joins them outside.

"Kind of, here to join in on some bonding?" Eric nods at John.

"Oh fuck yeah brother, let me get that sibling bonding in." John laughs as he sits next to Rose and hits his vape.

"So what were we saying about David?" Eric asks.

"Toby deserves better than that is all I'm trying to get at." Rose shrugs.

"They're in there flirting up a storm," John looks back in the door and Rose sighs.

"Should we stop them?" Eric asks.

"By doing what? David has already made it known to me that he wants a piece of Toby, I could try and stop him but he always gets what he wants." She looks in, watching Toby smile brought a small smile to her face but she hated that it was David causing the smile.

"I think you sound jealous," John laughs.

"Shut the fuck up, I just don't want to see someone else get hurt when it could be prevented." Rose frowns.

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