The Surprise

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"Hey Toby, what the fuck is this?" Eric asks, kicking the box that was at the foot of his couch, where Toby had been sleeping during his visit.

"What?" Toby rolls over, having been taking a small nap until just now.

"There's just a box here. Wasn't sure if it was yours or if someone else left it behind," Eric picks it up and hands it to him.

"Not mine," Toby holds it up for Eric to take back.

"What is it?" He turns going back to the kitchen, not taking the box back.

"I don't know?" Toby furrows his brows.

"Well good thing you're holding it and can't check what's inside," Eric jokes.

Toby chuckles and opens the box, his face falling when he notices it was the expensive sneakers he had been looking at in the mall only a few days prior.

"What is it?" Eric calls from the kitchen.

"Was Rose here?" Toby calls back, not giving him an answer.

"Uhhh yeah, she popped in earlier. Said she was going to explore this old abandoned college campus on the outskirts of town and that she'd be gone all day. Probably painting too, I hope nothing happens." Eric mumbles the last part mainly to himself.

"Do you have an address?" He asks, coming into the kitchen to join Eric.

"Yeah, why?" Eric gives him a weird look.

"She left something so I thought I could bring it back," Toby shrugs.

"Yeah man, I'll text it to you so you can just put it in gps or something. Did you want me to come with you?"

"Nah nah it's fine, I'll head out in a bit." Toby nods to Eric as he goes back to change into some more presentable clothes.

Half an hour later and Toby was in his rental car, driving towards the address Eric had texted him. He had looked up the address and it was indeed an old abandoned building so he wasn't sure what exactly to expect when he arrived.

When he pulled up to the address he noticed there was another car but it had been parked so it wasn't visible to the street, he assumed it was Rose's so he parked in similar manner and made his way inside the building.

He wandered for a bit, staying quiet so he could listen for any movement. He finally heard some spray paint cans being dropped so he headed in that direction, immediately being greeted by the smell of fresh paint.

He stood in the doorway quietly watching Rose work on one wall and David on the wall next to her. He couldn't help but check out both Rose and David.

Rose was wearing a loose red shirt that kept falling off one of her shoulder and had on a tank under that was white, paired with her black cargo pants that fit tight but loose at the same time. The red of her shirt clashed with the dark blue that she had in her brunette hair but it didn't look bad, it somehow worked on her.

David was wearing a long sleeve black shirt paired with some ripped blue jeans that were covered with paint. He had on a beanie but it was sliding back which revealed his pale blue and lilac purple hair.

They were both extremely attractive to him but he wasn't sure if it was just because he'd been lonely recently or if he genuinely liked them. One thing he was sure of was that he liked them because they were artists.

Rose turned to replace her can of gold which she had been using to add extra lines to her piece when she saw Toby.

"Oh hey Toby, how long have you been there?" She walks over to him handing him a bandana for him to tie around his mouth, "You shouldn't be breathing too many of the fumes, it's bad for you.

"I came to bring back the shoes," Toby frowns as he ties the bandana on.

"Were they the wrong size? You said 10 right?" Rose tilts her head a bit.

"No, I can't accept them. It's too much." Toby frowns more.

"I mean, they were a gift. It's the least I can do for ruining your shoes last time." Rose shrugs before turning to walk back to her painting.

"No I mean you didn't need to get them for me, I'd feel bad taking them." He follows her over, leaning against an island in the middle of the room as she goes through her duffel bag grabbing a couple gold cans.

"Like I said, they were a present Toby. It's rude not to accept presents." She points at him with a smirk before putting her preferred cap on the can and returning to adding details.

"These shoes were almost six hundred dollars!" Toby exclaims.

"So is living the way I do, don't worry about it." She waves him over.

"I'm gonna worry about it," He frowns more but gives her a confused look when she hands him a can of black paint. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"There's plenty of room on this wall for you to tag it too, and I know you're creative enough to have something in mind. Go on, I'll be done with this in a second and I'll come help." She pushes him over a bit to where the wall was empty and Toby shrugs before starting to outline his avatar from his twitch.

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