The Fight

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"Hey... Rose..." David nudges her shoulder, trying to wake her gently.

"Rose..." He whispers again, not wanting to wake Toby who's arm she was cuddles up to.

"Rose!" He says a bit louder and she finally cracks her eyes, shooting him a dirty look.

"I need to talk to you really quick,' He nods his head in the direction of the patio and holds up a couple energy drinks hoping that would grab her attention.

"Fuck you dude," She mumbles quietly but gets up, grabbing one of the energy drinks from his hands as she walks to the patio.

"It won't be long I promise," David makes sure the door is closed behind them so they don't wake anyone else up.

"What fucking time is it? Toby leaves tomorrow dude now I'm gonna be tired for our final day together," Rose sighs.

"I think I'm gonna go with him," David bursts out.

"What?" Rose raises one eye brow.

"I'll go back to New Zealand with him, it's not like it'll be the first time I've been there. I have a house out there, you know. I like him and I think he'll be fun to-" Rose cuts him off.

"Fun to what?" Her voice is as cold as it was when she was trying to scare lady that had been eavesdropping and the asshole at the mall.


"Fun to what, David? To fuck around with for a month or two until you're bored of him? Fun to get his hopes up thinking you're actually falling for him only for you to come out and be fucking around with a few other people at the same time? Tell me David, what exactly are your fucking plans with him?" Rose crosses her arms, her cold look and voice cutting into him with every word.

"Is this still about us? I thought you were over that," David frowns, trying to hide how affected he was by her coldness.

"Does everything have to be about you, David? I'm over us. And I have been for a very long time. But in this past week I've come to be close to Toby and I care about him, and with how bad you fucked me over, that's not something Toby needs to go through."

"Well I don't see the big issue here, maybe Toby will be the one to pull me from this life style you seem to always criticize." He says in a patronizing voice.

"Oh really? Toby will be the one? How many people are you talking to currently,"

"I couldn't count it on one hand..."

"And how many people have you talked to like that in the past year?"

"More than the amount of days in the year,"

"And you think, by some miracle, Toby will be the one to pull you out of this shit? you think it's okay to USE him like that?" Rose's voice starts getting louder but everyone was passed out so it didn't stop her.

"I know what this is, you like Toby don't you?" Davids patronizing voice returns.

"Yeah, I fucking do. I care about him and I won't just let you go and hurt him and waste his time like that!" Her voice almost cracks but she holds it back.

"So you don't really care that I'm using him, you just care that I'm taking him from you?" David asks but it's more of a statement.

"I refuse to let him be hurt by something I can prevent," Rose stands her ground but jumps a bit when the door opens, letting Eric onto the patio.

"Oh, what's going on out here?" Eric closes the door behind him.

"We were just having a small disagreement," David shoots Rose a glare, "but were done now."

"Who said we were done?" Rose's voice comes out colder than it'd ever been before and it sends shivers down Eric's spine as well as David's.

"I just did, is this really a conversation you want to have in front of your brother?" David raises his eyebrows.

"I have nothing to hide. do you?" She tilts her head and David clenches his fists.

"I'm leaving on a flight tomorrow and you can't stop me," He turns to open the door and go inside.

"Toby deserves better," Rose's voice makes him freeze and turn around with a smirk.

"And you think you're better?" His voice is cocky.

"What did you just say?" Eric asks, getting the gist of the conversation.

"I'm just saying, if Toby deserves the better out of both of us wouldn't he pick the one that has everything going right and not wrong?" David's smirk grew when he realizes he's gotten Rose to freeze. She never freezes.

"If Toby were to get the better of us he'd be getting m-" He's cut off by Eric punching him in the gut.

"Get out of my apartment, now." Eric's voice matches Rose's cold one from only a few seconds ago. David recovers and goes to punch Eric back but Rose pushes his fist to the side so he misses.

"You heard him, now get out before you make me start swinging." She frowns as David stands and scoffs at them before slamming both doors behind him, definitely waking a few of the others.

"Yo what the fuck was his problem?" John looks over at the patio where Rose and Eric were but noticed Rose had tears running down her face. "Oh I'll fucking kill him," He stands to follow.

"Don't worry about it," Rose says as she comes into the living room and starts grabbing her stuff.

"Where are you going?" Eric asks.

"I have to go pack his shit at my place before he gets there and trashes it," She sighs.

"Why are you crying?" Toby's tired voice makes her jump a bit. It doesn't help that it was accompanied by his hand wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Just didn't sleep well," She brushes him off and he frowns, "I'll be back in an hour or two guys, sorry we woke you so early." She makes her way out the front door and everyone turns to Eric.

"Oh as if you'll catch me telling what just happened, I value living." Eric shakes his head and closes the patio door so he can smoke in peace.

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