The Watchers

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"Hey have you seen this? It looks like you," Ezra asks, holding his phone out to show Rose.

"That is me, what the hell is that?" Rose looks down at the picture of her painting in an alleyway.

"Some instagram page, their bio says they try to find the best of the best graffiti artists and post pictures of them working or whatever. Seems like a pretty cool idea but didn't you have a whole thing about being anonymous?" Ezra scrolls through their account.

"Kind of, It doesn't bother me to get my street name out there I just don't want the cops showing up to arrest me because they know my name or face, you know? But I mean, they blurred my face in the picture so more power to them for being able to get a pic of me in action." Rose shrugs.

"Oh that makes sense," Ezra goes back to his home page and scrolls through it, liking random pictures from his friends.

"Sounds like you have some fans?" Toby speaks up, he had been quiet for a while just playing on his phone.

"Yeah, I've got plenty of those. That and thrill seekers. You'd be surprised how many people email me asking if they can join me for one of my trips." Rose chuckles.

"For good reason though, watching your youtube videos is completely different than watching you do it in real time." Ezra points out.

"Have you seen her paint?" Toby looks at Ezra.

"Oh yeah, a couple times. It's really amazing watching the art happen." He nods.

"That sounds really cool, back in high school I used to go out and take professional pictures of graffiti. I never really ran into any of the artists themselves though," Toby shrugs looking back down at his phone.

"Would you like to join me sometime?" Rose looks over at Toby with a smile.

"Would that be okay with you? I don't want to impose," Toby looks back up from his phone.

"I wouldn't mind at all, I've been planning a small piece that isn't a heaven one for a while now so I definitely wouldn't mind you tagging along for it." Rose gives him a reassuring look and he nods.

"Alright then, yeah. I'd really enjoy that." Toby smiles.

"You can be my eyes then," She smiles at him as her front door opens, revealing a drunkish David.

"Hey there~" He greets everyone as he stumbles upstairs.

"Is he usually-" Ezra starts and Rose just nods.

"So when would you like to go out?" Rose turns back to Toby.

"Whenever you want to," He smiles.

"Gross you guys remind me of my parents," Ezra fake gags.

"Ezra!" Rose hits his shoulder and he puts his hands up.

"Sorry sorry!"

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