The Plane Ride

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Toby had asked Rose if he could go painting with her one more time before he went home so she popped by Eric's place and picked him up around 3 am. It was a little later than she preferred but she wanted to make sure he got some rest in in case they had to run.

He had worn his new shoes that she got him, being that they were all black with minimal hints of blue in them, it worked out. But he didn't have any black shirts so he had to borrow a hoodie from Eric who made him promise to look out for his sister since David wouldn't be there to be their eyes.

When Rose got him she explained that because it was a little dark they might have to be extra careful for anyone sneaking up on them but it wouldn't be too big of an issue since she had been to the place before and knew it was pretty abandoned.

"Where exactly are we going?" Toby questions as they drive down a street lines with trees.

"An old factory that was abandoned many years ago. Company never claimed bankruptcy, kind of just closed this factory down and moved all the major shit to their other factory in Detroit," Rose explains and Toby nods, looking out the window.

When they arrived they fucked around in the front lobby for a while just kicking a soccer ball back and forth that was there. Eventually they got bored and Rose lead them to a room that she knew wasn't full of graffiti.

"Want to work on a piece together? Your piece that you did the other day was amazing, you have good hand style for someone who claims he's never done this before." She nudges his shoulder and he blushes lightly.

"I wouldn't mind working together but, it's fuckin dark in here. How can you see?" He looks towards the window which revealed a moon that didn't shine a lot of light on them.

"Don't worry, I came prepared." Rose smirks and pulls out a couple kick stands, setting up flashlights she had brought in different angles so the whole wall was lit up.

"Interesting," Toby admits and Rose nods before setting down her duffel bag and pulling out black for the lining. She tossed him a can and a couple different caps so he could pick whichever he preferred and they got to work.

After a couple hours of work they both stepped back and admired the piece they had created together.

"Let's take a picture in front of it?" Toby asks and Rose nods. She sets up her phone on a timer and poses with him in front of it. After that they both take a step back and take pictures of it from different angles, Rose so she could post it on her art account and Toby so he could save the memory.

"We should be getting back. Your plane leaves in a couple hours and you still need to pack and get to the airport," Rose points out and Toby nods, almost sadly.

When they arrived to the air port Eric gave Toby a hug.

"It won't be that long until I see you again, pal." He smiles and Toby nods, remembering that they had PAX coming up.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you, it was definitely much cheaper than getting a hotel." Toby admits and Eric laughs.

"You're welcome to stay anytime, I'm gonna run back to the car so it looks like I'm waiting for someone before they yell at me to move," Eric nods towards his car and makes his way back to it. They had been parked in front of pick up at the airport because it was one of the only short lines so they chose that over possibly making Toby late for his plane.

"Thank you for letting e experience all that stuff," Toby turns to Rose and she smiles.

"I love when people are interested in my art, especially when they go into it with an open mind. I loved having you along and next time we're in town together we should do it again," She puts her arms up and he gives her a big hug.

"We never talked about that time," Toby pulls back a bit but doesn't let Rose out of his arms.

"What do you mean?"

"When we kissed," He says in a soft voice, a blush spreading on his cheeks as well as Rose's.

"We were just doing it so the police wouldn't catch us, I would never forgive myself if I let you get caught by the cops while you were watching me paint." She frowns but the blush deepens as she thinks about it.

"I liked it," He smirks, his blush actually lightening up a bit with his smile.

"Wh-" Rose chokes.

"And thank you for beating up David for me," His eyes show how thankful he is.

"Who told you?" She frowns.

"You have a very caring brother," Toby looks back at Eric who was shooting him daggers for still having Rose in his arms.

"I'll kill him," Rose goes to turn but Toby pulls her back into the hug.

"Will you go to PAX with him?" He asks.

"Uh... I didn't plan on it but I don't see why not?" She thinks out loud.

"Good, I can't wait to see you again, Rose." Toby places a small kiss on her cheek before finally letting her go and walking into the airport.

"Really man! After all the shit and you still don't kiss her on the lips!" Eric calls from his car but Toby laughs and waves goodbye.

Rose turns with a small smile brushing her extremely red face and makes her way back to Eric's car, getting in.

"Thanks for spilling my secrets I guess," She laughs and Eric just ruffles her hair before driving off.

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