The Convention

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The first day of PAX hadn't been that busy for the group. Any official meetups they had were all planned for tomorrow because they all wanted a day to just relax and explore everything.

Eric had his helmet on most of the day but he took a selfie with Rose and posted it on twitter, making his official public statement that he loved his sister.

Michelle did manage to get about an hour of free time with Cam where she had an official recorded interview with him but a bunch of people were watching and it was a bit awkward being that they had to act like they didn't know each other.

After Eric's picture of him and Rose started circulating, a lot of people came up to her asking for a picture with her and Eric together.

The first day ended without any issues but their real plans started when they got home.

"Alright who's taking the first hit?" Mason calls out as they all make their way to the living room.

"Me, definitely." Eric replies.

Everyone took turns smoking and eating the edibles that Rose had helped bake that morning. Being that the smell took over the house, no one had wanted to actually leave for the convention that morning but she forced everyone out the front door with a promise that she would make more if they all waited until that night.

At one point Cam and Michelle slipped out the back door so they could sit on the patio and chat alone.

"Thanks for letting me interview you," Michelle smiles at him and he nods.

"It's exciting when people want to interview me. It reminds me that I actually have a large influence on some people," Cam smiles. "What is the piece on anyway?"

"You saying the n word during a counter strike match," She replies seriously and Cam's mouth makes an O shape.

"Maybe I should have said no to the interview then,"

"I'm kidding, it's about positive gaming youtubers who climbed the ranks. There are a few other people I need to interview but I'll get to them on Sunday when everything dies down a bit." She laughs and he joins in.

"So when did you start doing graffiti?" He asks.

"Only about a year ago. I was always into it because I thought it was really cool but before I graduated college I was way too focused on my school to spend any free time to myself. Then after I got the job I was too busy spending every waking minute trying to write the best of the best stories and gather every single bit of intel I could. Have you ever been in a really nice dream, everything is gentle and soft and calm, and then someone woke you up with a ice cold bucket of water?" She looks up at the sky.

"I can't say I've been in the exact situation no but I've been in something similar." He nods, watching her.

"When I got my first paper back from my boss with everything I had done wrong it was kind of like that. I'd been assigned my first huge piece and it was to go into this small company and find out the dirty secrets. Or so I thought it was. I spent almost a month doing my research for it only for my boss to give me back the paper along with a rubric that not only included a section of topics I couldn't talk about but a list of words that I couldn't use." She sighs.

"My mother worked in a factory for this company, they didn't practice the right safety precautions and because of it, she died. I spent most of my younger years trying to get newspapers all around town to accept a short paper I had written about everything the company did wrong and the second it did finally get published, so much justice was served. I guess everyone wants to pity a young girl who lost her mother. I wish they wouldn't turn a blind eye to all the bad that can be fixed."

"So why don't you quit? Become a freelance journalist? I've heard some things about that," Cam tilts his head a bit and she shakes hers.

"There are maybe ten people in the journalism world that can make good money off of being a freelance journalist. I can make really good money writing some bullshit fake stories about these companies and still turn around and spread the bad word through my art. I'm not one to back down anyway. If the company won't let me spread the word through them then I'll do it myself."

"I'm really glad you came," Cam smiles at her and she turns to look at him, a small blush on her cheeks.

"I'm glad I came too," She smiles.

"How long are you staying after PAX?"

"A few days. I think we're leaving to fly back on Wednesday."

"Would you like to go on a date? When PAX is over I mean. I know you're busy-" Cam looks down at his hands and starts to ramble but Michelle cuts him off.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Cam." She smiles and leans over, resting her head on his arm since his shoulder was too high up for her to reach.

"Good! Great! Then it's a date!" Cam smiles wide and laughs gently. He lays back on the patio, his legs laying down the stairs and Michelle joins him, laying her head on his shoulder this time. Both of them being way too high to be embarrassed of who could see them.

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