The Fall

333 19 10

I'm almost sorry


"Are you sure about this? Five stories is a lot," Michelle leans over the edge a bit, not wanting to think about what could go wrong.

"I've done higher, and with less help." Rose points out as she knots her rope around the big vent she had found was the most secure and deemed it safe to use.

"Yeah, I guess it still isn't as high as that bridge you were doing when we first met." Michelle sighs and looks away from the edge, focusing her attention on how Rose was tying the rope like a master.

"Oh yeah that was really high, I shouldn't have been doing that one alone because of the height but it was definitely the safest one I've done. The railing on the bridge made it easy as hell to tie the knots I needed and what not. Have I taught you how to tie knots yet?" Rose walks towards the edge, looking at Michelle.

"Nah, I don't think I've ever asked." Michelle shakes her head. She'd never asked because she'd never needed to know how to tie knots. The pieces she did were always on ground level and usually facing the street or in an alley way where she knew it would be seen. Her pieces weren't meant to last long but were more to make an impact.

"I'll teach you next time," She pats Michelle's shoulder before slowly lowering herself over the edge with a couple cans for the lining.

They were there for a couple hours, Michelle checking on Rose every other minute out of pure anxious energy and Rose nearing the end of her piece. She climbed back up to grab a few more and started to lower herself back over the edge.

Michelle had to admit, it was much easier to watch for cops from the roof of a tall building than it was to have to walk to block and pretend she had a reason to be out past midnight other than prostitution.

"Uh Rose?" Michelle calls out and Rose looks up.

"Whats up? Besides me,"

"Is the rope supposed to look like this?" Michelle stammers, noticing the rope had been chafing and was getting thinner around the area where it was being stretched over the edge of the rough roof.

"What? Fuck," Rose starts to climb back up but the rope tears further.

"No!" Michelle grabs the rope below the tear, trying to hold up Rose but the rope completely snaps. Rose drops the can of paint she was holding and tries to find a hold on the wall but can't. She looks below her and notices the fire escape does go below her but it's a couple stories down.

"What do I do?!" Michelle calls down, her grip on the rope was strong but she was not and there was no way she could lift Rose onto the roof. She was slipping.

"Calm down okay," Rose stutters, her voice trying to come out calm but cracking a bit. She yelps a bit when Michelle slides a little, losing her footing and lowering Rose slightly.

Rose looks back down towards the fire escape then back up to Michelle who's face was engulfed in fear then back down to the fire escape.

"I need you to let go," Rose calls up, masking all the fear from her voice but she whimpered again when Michelle slipped a bit more.

"No way! You're five stories up!" Michelle yells.

"Michelle, listen to me. If you don't let go we'll both fall and I couldn't live with myself if I let you get hurt because of me!" Rose insists.

"No! Eric told me to bring you home and that's what I'm gonna do!" Michelle stammers.

"Michelle let go!" Rose yells out as they both slip, Michelle nearing the edge of the roof.

"No!" Michelle closes her eyes and starts to try and pull the rope up again but falls back on her ass when the rope goes slack. Rose had cut the rope with a pocket knife that she always carried for emergencies.

Michelle is stunned for a second before screaming and quickly crawling to the edge of the roof to look for Rose. Her heart stops when she sees Rose lying on a flat part of the fire escape a few stories down, motionless. She pulls her phone out of her pocket but her hands are shaking so hard it takes her a bit to dial 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

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