Chapter 13

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( Before I began I want to say I'm sorry to OmgIshippgxrrb for not updating sooner :'( )

* 2 Weeks Later *

Author's P.O.V

Today is the day where Heartless Knight would go against Green Streak .

( Dun Dun Dunnnnnn )

As Butch was practicing for the fight Mitch came in and said ,

"Hurry up we don't got much time ."

"Ight , I'm coming ..."

Butch's P.O.V

I WANT A BANANA !!!!!!!!!!!!

( Me : What the fuck 💀 ?? )

Author's P.O.V

Butch walked to the same door like Buttercup before , he saw his competition across from him .

She had short shaggy brown hair and a dark DARK blue mask that covers 40% of her face .

She was also wearing this :

And Butch was wearing this :

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And Butch was wearing this :

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be seeing the fight between Heartless Knight and Green Streak

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"Welcome ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be seeing the fight between Heartless Knight and Green Streak . We are also here today to find out who will be fighting Fierce Rose , but that fight will have a twist added to it ......


The reff yelled into the microphone while everyone cheered .

"But enough with the stalling let us introduce our competitors ." He said more calmly then before .

"First we have HEARTLESS KNIGHT !!!" And the whole entire left side were cheering her on .

Now we introduce GREEN STREAK !!!" With that being said Butch ran out the door waving his arms around while the right side went crazy .

"Now players shake hands and say the oath ." The reff said calmly again .

( Time Skip Brought to u by , me forgetting what the oath said )

After ALL that being done the fight between Heartless Knight and Green Streak begun .

Butch was quick and first to punch him in the face once he heard the bell go off .

She grunted then grinned shortly after punched him in his rib .

Butch fell on his butt ( 😂 ) while rubbing his rib attempting to get up .

He failed at 1st , and the 2th , but on the 3th he got up and went crazy ( and a little bit scary ) mad on her .

He slapped her hard enough to catch her attention then punched her , pushed her , and kicked her while she was on the floor blacking-out slowly .

Once she was completely passed out he kept breathing heavily  after all the energy it took out of him just to beat-up a random chick

Everyone stared in disbelief . And all head the same 'look' planted on their faces ( it was a 'WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED' look ) .

The reff finally spoke, breaking the silence ,

"Well that raps up this fight today ladies and gentlemen now we know Green Streak is going against Fierce Rose to rap up this season . The next fight money award is : 1 million . So u don't want to miss both of our strongests fighters , fight with-out their masks . Anyways Have a good day and pleasant tommarow ." The reff said .

Butch ran to the right side while the left side yelled curse words at him .

He signed autographs , took pictures , hugged a few fans , and after all that he ran out yelling goodbye .

Butch ran to the office to get his money .

After that he went to his room , packed everything up , and flew out saying to himself ,

"I will win that money Fierce Rose , No matter the cost ."

Both , Buttercup and Butch no knowing they were going to be fighting eachother .

Heyy Y all , again I'm sorry and tell me your thoughts on this chapter .

Xoxo , ThatFan0

( 578 words )

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