Interruption (Smut)

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Both Jungkook and Taehyung were in a heated session on their bed; impatiently removing almost every piece of their clothes not till Tae's phone rang, trying to cockblock their moment. "Ignore it..." Jungkook grunted, unbuckling his belt and tossed it around the room. His hands got busy again as they landed on Tae's hips and caressed them; sending Tae a shiver down his spine.

Tae pushed Jungkook against the headboard; having Jungkook in a sitting-lying position. "Be still and you'll get what you want, Daddy~" Tae grinned as he removed his last piece of cloth. He attacked his lips; circling his arms around Jungkook's neck and slowly placed himself on his lap, grinding against Jungkook's already hardened dick. Jungkook just has to be still right?

Tae left his lips, unhooked his arms and went further down his naked abdomen. He planted small but meaningful kisses on his cheek, jaw, neck, collarbone, his abs and stopped right at the pubic area. From Tae's POV, you can clearly see that there's a tent building up in his pants. Tae suddenly lost all of his confidence as he became flustered after realizing what he had done so far. 'DAMN, I DIDN'T THINK I WAS THIS BOLD!' he internally screamed and looked up at Jungkook who's looking down at him with an evil smirk, "What's wrong, Tae? Already backing out when you have not even tasted the real thing?" Jungkook took hold of Tae's hand and put it on his zipper.

"He's all pent-up, wanting to be released... Tae~" Jungkook puppet Tae's hand and unbutton his jeans, pulling the zipper down. Jungkook let go of his hands and Tae blushed even more.

'Oh, fuck it.' Tae thought, and kitty licked Jungkook's clothed bulging member. He teasingly nipped and nibbled gently on it and Jungkook very much loved it. He loves every second being with Tae and there are times where he wondered what he did to deserve such blessings.

Wanting to taste the real thing, Tae bit Jungkook's underwear and tugged it down; making Jungkook's dick to spring out. Tae gulped at the huge sight and immediately made work to it. He started off by licking the tip and without much thought, he engulfed the whole meat; bobbing his head up and down and deepthroating it.

"Fuck yes, Tae. Keep moving like that. You're doing so well, baby~" Jungkook groans whereas Tae's enjoying the reaction he's getting. 'I'm glad he likes it. All those researches sure didn't go to waste.'

After a while, Jungkook stopped Tae and demanded him to get down on all fours.

"Come on~ baby. Tell me what I should do next?" Jungkook teased as he silently obtained a bottle of lube from his drawer; squeezing out a decent amount and coated his hardened member with it.

"Hmm~ Don't ask the obvious..." Tae whined.

"But I need to hear it directly from your mouth, am I wrong? I need to know what you desire for me to do to you."

"Kookie~" Tae endlessly whined.

"Okay, okay... hold on~" he inserted a finger into Tae's asshole and then came another one.

"Ahh~ please... quick~" Tae moaned into the bed sheets. Jungkook made no sound and scissor Tae's hole to widen it for easy access. He then pulled it out and rammed his long, sexy fingers in; repeating the process and pleasuring Tae at the same time.

Tae made a low moan, and this turned on Jungkook even more.

Without warning, Jungkook replaced his fingers with his hardened dick and rested both his hands on Tae's hips; surprising Tae and making him gasp. Jungkook began to move and thrust deeply into Tae. He pulled it out and rammed it in again; repeating the process at a constant speed.

"Ah~! Hmm~ Kook-ah... faster... so... good~" Tae began to feel weak at his legs, but he didn't want to disappoint Jungkook and maintained his posture. With every thrust, the bed creaked obnoxiously, mixed with both Jungkook and Tae's messy moans and grunts.

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