Tae's Rant Part 2

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(a lil content of smut by the end lel)
8 p.m.

Taehyung's POV

"I wonder if it's a good idea to send him such a long piece of my mind." I huffed, "what if he still doesn't get it! No. I'm pretty positive he gets it. There's just no way he doesn't get what I'm trying to convey! LIKE NO WAY! URGHHHHHKJFBEWKJFBE."


I tossed and turned in my bed, kicking my plush toys to the floor and feeling super frustrating.


"BUT I CAN'T HELP IT" I shouted back.

"THEN SLEEP." She threw a pillow onto my face.

"I CAN'T!" I threw it back, but our mom was in time to catch it.

"Do you guys wanna sleep on the street tonight?" she smiled at us.



Whereas at Jungkook's bedroom, he was planning something extraordinary for his boyfriend, hoping he would forgive him for neglecting his feelings lately.


Jungkook's POV

"Okay, that's reserved. That too and this too. Am I missing out something?"

Right then, my phone rang, and it was my Taetae.

I cleared my throat and picked it up, "Hey, babyyyy."

"Don't 'hey, baby' me. Anyway, can I come over?"

Well, he doesn't sound mad so what's the harm to saying no, right?

"Sure. I'll pick you up, okay baby?"

"Don't babyyyy meeeeeee!" he whined and omg, that was so cute.

"Awww, are you getting mad at me?" I cooed.

"Just pick me up alreadyyyy."

"Okay, love. I'm coming." And I hung up my phone.

I quickly cleared my history just in case and grabbed my car keys.

To my surprise, he was already waiting for me at his house gate with a bag. I waved at him and he grumpily got in the car; without giving me a kiss like he normally would.

"Babyyy, where's my kiss?" I pouted.

*inserts Jungkook pouting*

He quickly leaned over and pecked my lips before returning to him crossing his arms.

"Thanks babe. So, why did you suddenly want to come over?" I asked as I drove off.

"What? I can't come over? I just want to see my boyfriend. Can't I do that?"

"No, no. Just asking, love. Anyways, thanks for the message once again. I really didn't know you felt that way."

"What do you mean once again? You 'seen' my message like wow, I can't believe you."

"I didn't put you on seen though. What are you talking about, baby?" I took a turn left and reached to my place.

"You... didn't?" he took out his phone and checked our conversation.

"OMG YOU DIDN'T." he gasped, "did I just freak out over nothing?"

"Yeah and you were the one who had 'seen' me." I laughed and got out. I can definitely see him more freaked out over the fact that he's the one who seen'ed me.

I walked over to his door and opened it, "we've arrived at our destination, sir. Free of charge, just for you." I winked at him and he blushed.

"Am I getting some tonight?" he whispered.


"NOTHING!" he stepped out and ran inside my house.


Taehyung's POV

I'm getting so flushed right now. His wink got me. Now I've fallen to my demise. One thing is because I was so unaware that I'd seen him. HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE? ME? I need to check the next time I out on a fit. Another thing is, I totally did not plan to come over today. Something literally took over my senses.

I placed my bad onto the countertop and Jungkook quietly entered the house, locking the doors and STRIPPED.

Okay, he didn't. I wish.

He only took off his shirt like he normally does.

"Tae? What are you doing standing there? Come sit with me." Jungkook called and pulled me with him to the couch in the living room.

(Yes, I'm bringing back that black couch from 'Tattoo Part 2' HAHA)

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(Yes, I'm bringing back that black couch from 'Tattoo Part 2' HAHA)

So now.

We're cuddling :D.

"Erm, Tae. I've got something to say. You might think that my love for you may have weakened but no, I still love every inch of you and not one bit did I ever consider that I don't need you. I know work has been consuming our quality time together, but I promise you I'm only working hard for our future. But I didn't notice that I've not been giving you the attention you needed so would you please give me another try so I can prove once again and forever that I won't do such thing again."

"Promise?" I stared at him with my puppy eyes.

"Yep, Tae. We're gonna go out tomorrow so clear all your schedule. I reserved us a table for a fancy dinner. Movie dates. Lunch dates. Do all kind of things we've been missing out, what do you about that?"

"I'd love that. Thank you hehe." I hugged him tighter, "Then... would you like to have a reward for planning all of that?"

"A reward?" he asked.

"Yes, you can even have it right now." I placed my fingers to his lower region and traced his worm.

"Tae?" he gulped, knowing what's coming for him.

I unzipped his pants and slowly pulled it down. He took my hands and made them grab his bare dick, stroking it in a mannerly way.

He let go and I continued stroking it; pulling down his foreskin and licking his tip.

As I was doing so...


Let's leave it to you all's imagination XD.

-- 25/4/2020

Thanks for reading!

This one's a lil let down because I thought I have a good idea up my sleeve but like, it didn't seem like it. Thanks once again.

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