Chaptire Treize (Chapter 13)

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As Katherine and I walk back into my room, she fixes her hair and lays it over her shoulders. She is wearing yoga shorts and a pink tank top that rests above her belly button, exposing her belly button ring she got done a few months ago.

“Wait” She stops me before I walk in the room.


“Do I look okay?!”

“You look fine. You don’t want to look like you tried too hard to impress him now do you?”

“I guess not” She says thinking to herself

“Exactly” I say right before I open the door and walk in, not giving her a chance to respond.

I walk over to the side Nash is laying on and lay next to him. He shoves his last cookie in his mouth before putting an arm around me, his gaze never leaving the TV, which was playing Family Guy. I lay my head on his chest and he begins to lightly stroke my hair. I let myself drift off.

~Katherine’s POV~

I walk into Elena’s room with confidence. I’m determined to get Cameron to like me. As soon as I’m in sight of Cameron, his eyes are on me. I walk over with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me.

“Hey” he says in that sexy voice of his. He moves over to give me room to sit next to him. I sit down before responding

“Hey Cameron” I respond while twirling my hair around my finger.

“How are you?” He asks while averting his attention from the Tv to me.

“I’m great, how about you?”

“I’m fantastic” He smiles and pauses, “I mean, talking to a pretty girl would make anyone happy”

I can feel my cheeks getting hot as he looks at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes.

“Katherine, I know that this is cliche and all but do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow?” He says with a slight chuckle.

I did a small victory cheer in my head.

“I would love too” I say back with a big smile.

“Great, I’ll pick you up at 7” He says before asking his next question “Would you like to watch family guy with us?”

“Sure” I say while lying next to him. I feel an arm around my shoulder and smile to myself and turn my attention to the TV.

*4 hours later*

~Elena’s POV~

Nash and I were still laying in bed. Cameron had left a little bit ago and Katherine went back to her room after Cameron left. So that left the two of us. Nash was playing with the 6 bracelets I wear around my wrist.

“Why do you wear so many?” He asked while still fiddling with them.

“To cover up my scars” I say in an almost whisper. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and pulled my arm away from him and burying it under the blankets. What he does next surprised me.

He looked at me and gently grabbed my arm and pulled it back above the blankets. He began to take the bracelets off one by one.

“Elena you shouldn’t hide these” He says while still pulling them off. “You know why?”

“Why?” I say, looking at him, with the urge to pull my wrist away.

“Because they’re apart of you” He pulls the last one off. “They tell a story.” He looks into my eyes. “They tell your story. They show that you went through a rough time and that things got too rough for you. But they also show that you were strong enough to overcome it and that now…” He pauses to kiss my nose, “You’re happy” He smiles at me. “Or at least I hope you’re happy” He says with a little laugh that would make anyone smile.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. “I am happy and I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you” I say as he pulls me in for a sweet, tender kiss that made me stomach feel like it was doing backflips.

He turns around and looks out the window and then turns back and looks at me.

“Well seeing as it’s a nice day out and you live close to the park, how about we go for a walk?” He says with a smile.

“I would love too” I say as he gets up. I also get up. We make our way downstairs and I yell to my mom where we are going and we walk out the front door. He grabs my hand as we walk down the sidewalk in the hot California sun.

“Where did you get this cut on your knuckle?” I ask him while holding up his hand that’s holding onto mine.

“To be honest with you, I have no idea” He says with a laugh. I also laugh.

“How do you not remember getting this?”

“I don’t know I just don’t, but it won’t heal either” He pauses. “At least my face healed from… you know…”

‘Yeah you would never be able to tell that fight happened” I said with a small smile, trying not to think about Brandon, but the memories kept flooding back. I didn’t even notice Nash stopped walking until I was far enough ahead of him so he could pull me back. He pulled me right into a hug. I hugged him back.

~Nash’s POV~

‘Yeah you would never be able to tell that fight happened” Elena said quieter than usual. I knew something was bothering her and I had a feeling that it was the thought of Brandon. I stopped walking and she didn’t stop until she was far enough away that my arm was fully outstretched. I pulled her directly into a hug. I stayed silent to give her a minute to think about everything that was on her mind.

I heard her sniffle and I looked down at her. Her face was still buried in my chest. I continued to rub her back until she was ready to start walking again.

A few minutes later we continued our walk, our hands locked together swinging at our sides. We eventually made it to the park and sat on a bench. I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

“You know you’re beautiful right?”

All she did was look at me and smile and lean her head on my shoulder.

~Elena’s POV~

I leaned my head on Nash’s shoulder and looked out at the park. I had been coming to this park for my whole life. I hadn’t been here in a while.

I looked down the sidewalk that led into the park and saw two girls dressed like complete whores. They were wearing shorts that are shorter than short and tiny crop tops that barely cover the bottom of their boobs. They were also both wearing heels.

I watched them strut closer to us and I couldn’t believe who was walking towards us, and honestly, I’m not prepared for whats about to happen.



so yay another update… whoo


accidenti (ah-chi-den-tee)

meaning damn in italian

so yeah im not in a good mood right now. i found out that someone completely copied my story just changed the plot a little and the title is the same and everything. like that aint cool man that aint cool. Also i have some more drama going on and i know im never going to get straight answers from it so it kinda sucks:/ but oh well enjoy the chapter


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