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Bendys POV
The party.
I woke up but the first thought that came to mind was the party. I got in my clothes and joined Boris for some cereal.
"Morning Bendy"
"Morning Boris"
"Today's Friday, cant wait to get out of school and into the weekend"
"Me too Boris, me too"
I finished and washed my bowl before saying bye to my brother.
"Wait- Bendy"
"You have someone to pick you up, right?"
I nodded and walked out waiting for Cups Jeep to pull up. I heard the engine of a car approach and see his car appear. His window rolled down and he shot a smile at me.
"Morning Bends!"
I blushed a bit because only people close to me called me Bends.
"Morning Cups"
As I entered the car he gave me that same smile that I just couldn't bear.
"So how did you sleep?"
"It was...ok"
"What's wrong?"
He could tell I was lying.
"I didn't get much sleep because I woke up really sweaty and couldn't cool down"
"Sounds like you had a fever, are you sure you want to go to school?"
I paused for a bit thinking that I could probably skip school since this was the best excuse, but some other voice was telling me to stay.
"I...I'm fine"
"Hm, ok, if you need a ride home though just tell me and I'll skip class"
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
I thought about it and everything is wrong with skipping class. First off you miss work and second off...well...nothing.
"Oh, nothing"
I smiled nervously at him trying to hide my little burst out. We were in a bit of traffic and I noticed the music was good, the weather was cool and not blazing hot, and I actually dressed decent. Today felt like an actual Good Friday. The song Fake Love came on and I started to hum, then tap my index finger. Cup looked at me and smirked. When the first verse came on he...knew it! Although I knew some too but not the whole thing. When he finished I clapped.
"Rapper in the making"
He chucked at my comment.
"Hehe, nah...just a Drake fan"
I smiled and noticed we were at the school.
"Well glad we're not late"
"I you still down to skip?"
I had to decide now and of course I picked it.
"Yeah, I'll join"
"Ok, after lunch meet me in the shed in the back of the school "
We walked our separate ways to our lockers and friends, still keeping this talk between us a secret.
"Bendy, we haven't talked in a while. What's with you?"
Angel seemed pissed as always, it started to get annoying.
"I'm fine just..."
I didn't have a clue of what to say.
"Just...been busy with..."
The bell rang and I got relieved.
"Um, gotta go...don't wanna be late!"
I fast walked to my class and went to my seat. Cuphead sat next to me but seemed not to make any contact with me at all. As we had to read a chapter of a book, I tore a piece of paper and wrote a note to Cup.
r u made @ me?
I slipped the note to his desk when no student or teacher was looking. He read it and flipped the paper to write on the back then passed it back.
I'll explain when we skip.
I was a bit worried but glad he was going to explain. I impatiently waited for lunch to roll around after a couple class periods. The bell rang for lunch and I burst out my seat. I got my lunch first and sat where Angel and her friends sat. Angel sat down and looked at me with suspicion.
"So Bendy, I saw you with...Cuphead. Why?"
"He takes me to school and that's it"
"Oh really, and you couldn't call me?"
"Angel, I know your mad but just stop"
"No, why were you with Cuphead?!"
She raised her voice bringing a couple of ears to the conversation. I scream whispered back.
"He lived closer and keep your voice down!"
She rolled her eyes and I had it. I went to her ear
"I don't know what your deal is but I'm not going to deal with your shit anymore"
I walked off to the shed early because I just wanted to be away from that negativity. I sat by the shed until the bell rang and paced back and forth waiting for Cups. He approached the shed and seemed kinda...upset.

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