Fake friends

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Cupheads POV
I walked in and people were giving me unusual stares. I heard whispers as I passed and even some shaking their heads. Of course, I ran into the idiot (leader) of our group.
"So Cups, heard you were drinking with that shithead, what did you guys do when you went to his house? Did y'all fuck?"
I furrowed my brows at his stupidity. He was just trying to get his ass whooped wasn't he.
"He got drunk, I took him to his house and that's it"
What a coincidence, Bendy came walking from the other way when this smart ass grabbed him by the back of his neck.
"Mmmm, sure, but here's the real question, do you chose your friends who make you look like you actually have a life or this loser here who hasn't grown an inch since 5th grade"
"Why can't I just have both, this is stupid and get your hands off Bendy"
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife holding it to Bendys throat. I swear something was wrong with this guy.
"I suggest you chose or I'll cut the midgets throat"
He smiled evilly. My anger grew by the second and finally I couldn't hold it in. Like a balloon, my anger burst and it wasn't pretty. I grabbed his arm hit it causing him to let go of the knife. I slid the knife with my shoe out of reach and threw a fist at his face. It made my knuckles bruise but the adrenaline had kicked in and I couldn't feel any pain except anger. He got my face but I managed. I punched him in the stomach and tripped him into the ground pressing my foot against his chest. Everyone was watching but I could only focus on his ass and beating the shit out of it.
"He's my loser, my midget, and I chose him. I chose him because he's real and not super judgmental like you snobby asses. All y'all do is pick on each others personality like a bunch of snakes. I hope you never try to make contact with me again."
I bent down to his ear and whispered with cold tone.
"And don't ever touch Bendy again or it'll be 10 times worse than this."
Teachers started to run towards us. They took me to the office and the asshole to the nurse. I got suspended for a week but I didn't give a damn. I had to take risks now.

Bendys POV
After what went down, people gave me glares and some even rolled their eyes at me. I went through the classes without my partner in crime, my ride or die. At the last bell, I ran out of the school and home as fast as I could, crying. I walked in hoping Boris could calm me down but I found a note on the table saying he left out of town for work and won't be back until next week but to contact him if I needed anything. What would a call do? I cried in my room for an hour before calling Cups. I wanted to see if he was ok except I didn't want him to know I was crying because it would make me look like a baby. I pressed his number and it started to ring.
"Hey Bendy"
My breathing hitched when I heard his voice
"C-Cups *sniffles* are-are you ok?"
"I'm fine-are you crying?"
"N-no *sniffles* I'm fine"
"Bends, I'm coming over"
He hung up and I face palmed. I changed into I sweater and some joggers before falling asleep.

I heard a knock on my door and bolted up.
"Can I come in?"
It was Cups"
"Um sure?"
He opened the door and his face got red.
"Cups, whats wrong?"
"I-I'm fine"
I smiled and so did he before he came to sit on the bed.
"I can tell you've been crying"
"No I have-"
"I know a lie when I see it"
I sighed with a frown in defeat and he hugged me.
"How about we you ditch school tomorrow and we pull an all mightier tonight?"
"Well...I guess"
"Ok, get dressed and trust me, it'll be fun"
He smiled and a small smile formed on my mouth when he was out of sight. I changed into a hoodie and jeans. We got in the car and he told me we were going to a 'special place'. When we stopped we were in front of a nature trail, I was a bit nervous because it was already dark but I trusted him. He asked me to follow him and I did even with the mini anxiety attack I was having. After walking for 30 minutes we got to a platform by a peaceful pond. The platform had a bench and a fire pit. He lit the fire with a match he had and we both took a seat.
"What were you crying about?"
"I suck, I got you hurt."
"No it isn't, it didn't even hurt."
No Cuphead! I'm the reason you got hurt!"
He turned towards me with a serious look.
"In no way was this your fault. No way"
I looked away lacking the self confidence to agree.
"I'm just a failed abortion who doesn't know how to socialize. I've lost all my friends and family. Nobody likes me. I'm not the type to commit suicide but it seems people are just pushing me closer and closer to it."
I started crying thinking about how real that was. I finally got to express my feelings as if I had been keeping a secret for years. Cups just stayed quiet. Probably not knowing what to say. I cried more because now he probably thought I was crazy. A few seconds later, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. My eyes, watery, ready to spill more salty tears were staring at him waiting for him to hug me. Waiting for that shoulder to cry on. He wiped my tears with his thumb and got closer to me.

WASSUP. Hehe cliffhanger. Comment what y'all thought and make sure to vote. I'm planning on doing another book so I'll have to end this one soon. I want to make at least one book for lots of ships or otps of mine so my other books might be completely different. That's why I don't say to check out my other books because it might be something they won't like. Anyways, we got to 1109 words and we're almost at 1K reads, yay!!


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