Bathroom stall

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Bendys POV
I went to school, getting those same tense stares and even cold flares. Although these stares were from everyone not just some, something was off. I opened my locker and out fell pictures, pictures of me and Cups kissing. Everyone looked at me laughing, disgusted, or disappointed, mostly laughing though. I froze in my place it almost felt like time slowed down. It felt so unreal. Everything became tunnel vision but I noticed a familiar body walking towards me and heard that voice. The voice of my ex best friend. She snickered and picked up a photo of us.
"Aww, looks like you fell in love with your bully! How cute!"
It felt like I was choking on my words but I could only spit out one word.
She dropped the picture and got closer to me.
"Bendy, don't you fucking realize I liked him? I always did but you kept me from getting close because I thought friends came before guys. Apparently I was wrong."
Her voice changed from a sarcastic bitch to a furious psycho.
"You sneaked off with him without even telling me. Then I see you ditching with him and going to the store with him. It broke my heart, not just because you were with my impossible crush but you were lying to me too! How could you!?"
My eyes filled with that same pain and sadness I had when I got bullied by those people. She backed away and picked up the picture again showing it to everyone.
"Everyone! Look at this, isn't it a shame Cuphead got with Bendy?"
No one said anything. She gritted her teeth.
They then all agreed.
"Bendy, this is my revenge on you for lying to me. Now go fucking kill yourself, your worthless in this world."
I ran into the restroom with tears slipping down my cheek. I can't believe this just happened. I got to the last stall and sat down. I got out my phone and called Cups.
"Please answer"
I whispered to myself.
"Umm hello?"
"C-Cups *sniffle*"
"Bendy, what's wrong?!"
"Angel *sniffle*she-she leaked pictures of us kissing and everyone's making fun of me for it I didn't know what to-"
"You stay there, I'm on my way"
"You don't need t-"
I looked at my phone and he hung up. I guess I would be waiting there until he came"
I heard a stall door open, I thought it was someone else but the footsteps were headed for my stall. Although it was probably Cups, I was still scared it was a jock or Angel.
"Bends...babe...let me in"
I opened the door and he picked me up and hugged me.
"That bitch will pay, I promise. She fucked with the wrong couple."
I smiled and so did he. I picked me up bridal style and took me to the car.
"I'm going to make your worst day your best."
As he said that he smirked and winked. I was confused but this little voice in the very back of my head had some nasty thoughts. That was a little voice though, not like it would be true...right?

Hey y'all this book is coming to an end but I promise I'll give you what you want soon. This chapter emotional roller coaster but that'll get fixed. Vote for this chapter and comment what y'all thought. If your new, please follow me! Story time: I realized I don't like any guys at my school and I'll probably be single until college but that's fine because the mans in college are gonna be fine as hell, I hope.


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