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Bendys POV
I woke up naked forgetting what happened. I turned and saw Cups silently snoring, him naked too. The memories flooded my mind and my cheeks turned a crimson red. I got up to get dressed and gave him a kiss on the cheek when he grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. He smirked and got up out of bed with the blanket around his waist waiting for me to leave. I went to wait by the kitchen remembering when he gave me that beer. As the memory faded I heard foot steps so I turned and saw Mugman.
"Uhhh, Bendy?"
"Oh-uhhh, hi Mugman- I was just over...for a...a...PROJECT, a project!"
He seemed confused at first but then smirked. I was confused but decided not to question it. He opened the door and I grabbed him by his shoulder.
"Where are you going?"
I totally forgot. We had school today. I was worried at first but then I pretty much just said 'fuck it'. I heard footsteps and saw my boo, looking cute and sexy as always. He walked into the kitchen with a smile and grabbed some cereal.
"Oh so now that we're dating your not gonna try to make breakfast"
I laughed and so did he but then got serious.
"Do you want me to?"
I shook my head and went ahead and served myself. When we finished I payed down with him on the couch to watch Netflix.
"What are we gonna do when we go back to school? There's gonna be so many bullies..."
He gave me a serous look.
"Bends, if they do  a n y t h i n g  to you I'll fuck them up"
"I don't want you getting into fights please"
"But I have t-"
"...fine...because you said so..."
We had an idea for tomorrow and called the school to see if we could do it. They said yes and decided to make a plan. A plan for us to reclaim our confidence. After all the planning, I cuddled with him and fell asleep on his chest. I woke up in the middle of the night at my house. I wasn't tired so I watched tv until I fell asleep again. The morning came and I got dressed and ready for Cups to pick me up.

Short chapter ik but I'm running out of ideas and it's coming to an end. Story time: the guy I said was my crush, I don't know. It's so many more feelings than a 'crush'. I can't explain but it's like I'll like him one day but then I'll be like 'meh' the next. Then again I like a couple guys but because of my depressing ass I will never fucking date anyone. Anyways, vote, comment, all that. Loving the support from y'all so much.


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