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John Brown built her and he gave her to the sea

last of her kind sailing into history,

twenty-one years she sailed the briny main

England to defend and her glory to retain.

Named for Admiral Samuel, they christened her the HOOD

His Majesty's flag ship through bad times and good,

in honour of her country she ever showed the flag

bold was her company, never known to brag.

Flag ship of the Navy in the North Atlantic Fleet

leading into battle scorning notions of retreat,

"Ventis Secudis" was the motto that she bore

"With Favourable Winds" she left old England's shore.

The blood of warring Europe spilled into the sea

calling old England's mariners to keep a passage free,

the Battle of the Atlantic called for Blighty's blood

we sent the Prince of Wales and the ever mighty HOOD.

The ocean was a-heaving, it was cruel an' it was cold

our sailors were undaunted, courageous and bold,

Prinz Eugen and the Bismark each fully understood

there was a rendezvous to keep with the ever mighty HOOD.

Sleek, grey and beautiful, a credit to her crew

yet HOOD was getting old while Bismark was new,

they met in bloody battle in the crucial Denmark Strait

'twas early in the morning when the HOOD met her fate.

Prinz Eugen she was battling when Bismark drew first blood

breaking the back of the ever mighty HOOD,

in seconds blown asunder she sank beneath the wave

carrying Captain and crew to a heroes salty grave.

Oh, remember, remember the mighty anchored chough

an' all those who gave more than deemed was enough,

Tilburn, Briggs and Dundas, the fortunate rescued three

the only brave survivors returned by the sea.

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