Chapter One

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Just two weeks ago a boy in your class disappeared without a trace or explanation. He never meant anything to you, but you had this urge to try and help find him. You've always wanted to become a detective when you were older, so you decided to try and solve the case. Your friends thought it was strange and decided not to help, leaving you on your own. If you had a bit of help you could have already found a lead.

Files lay on your bed as you looked through them again. It was everything to do with the case of the boy's disappearance. You opened his personal file for probably the twelfth time that day. He was very cute and mysterious. He had blonde and fluffy hair that stuck up and bright eyes that held a positive light. He wore a mask covering his face, which made you wonder what he could be hiding underneath. You assumed that there was probably some sort of scar or that maybe he wasn't attractive and he was trying to cover that up. Anyway, the mask covering his face in every current known picture of him would make it difficult to spot him if he were to appear.

Today you were off of school since it was a Saturday. Your parents were out with some of their friends for brunch, so they wouldn't be back for quite some time.

This isn't working... I better try something else... You thought as you collected the files and organized them into a neat pile.

You decided that you probably would have more luck if you checked out the scene he was last known to be, in a desert in California, just a couple miles from your home. Apparently he was going to see the random burger Epic Games decided to leave out there.

Epic Games left a large burger mascot out in the desert to advertise their game, Fortnite. Fortnite was one of your favorite games and you usually liked to end your day playing a couple of matches. You were very good at the game.

You texted your mother to let her know that you were going out. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed the keys to the family golf cart, and went outside to start it. The drive was going to be about ten minutes, so not too bad.


Ten minutes later...

The drive was uneventful. You eventually reached the spot where the mascot burger was. You found that it was gone, which confused you since you had seen it a few weeks ago. You got out of the golf cart and walked around. As you got out, metal crunched under your foot. You looked down to see an empty spray paint can that had the symbol of an egyptian cat. You remembered that the boy was obsessed with egyptian history, even though he was one of the popular kids. This was his symbol.

You heard a crackling noise and you turned around to see a crack. It sparked with energy, and you were subconciously drawn to it. You reached out your hand, and then you were engulfed with light.

Thank you for clicking on my story! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This chapter is rather short because it's the first chapter. I promise the rest will be much longer! Don't forget to vote on the chapter!

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