Chapter Twenty-two

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You fell out onto the ground, your face planted in the sand. You were annoyed that John hadn't warned you about this possibly happening.

"Owww my back," Drift whined.

"At least you didn't get a face full of sand," you snapped. Drift chuckled and sat up from where he fell. You sat up quickly, looking around. Drift looked considerably different since this world looked different from the other. His hair was fluffy and strands were out of place. His eyes sparkled. His outfit was the same, but his kitsune mask and cloak were in his bag. How would he explain receiving those?

"We're home," Drift looked up at the sky. "This feels so strange."

"I know," you replied. "What will we do?"

"First thing is probably to go to the police department since we're probably marked as missing people," Drift replied.

"What're we going to tell them?" you asked.

Drift took a moment to think, as did you.

"Maybe we can say we don't remember," Drift suggested.

"What if they use a lie detector?" you asked.

"Just try to act as convincing as possible," Drift replied. "Nobody will believe us if we said some out of this world spark sent us into another universe where you can build things with your mind."

"True," you sighed in defeat. "Hopefully nobody thinks we just ran off together."

"That wouldn't be bad," Drift said, winking at you. "Let's make ourselves look dirty so it doesn't seem suspicious." You both rubbed dirt on your clothes and skin, and made your hair messy. Since you didn't really care about your clothes that you had on, you tore them and left your shoes behind.

You looked around, noticing that the place you were was the place you were when you were searching for Drift. The golf cart was gone. Maybe someone had retrieved it since it never appeared in the world with you.

"Let's go," you said.


It took a solid two hours for you and Drift to make it to the city, and when you made it people stared in shock and disbelief. They muttered to each other, throwing you and Drift looks of pity. You entered the police department.

"H-Hello?" you stammered, trying your best to act scared and confused.

"Oh my goodness," said the secretary as she stood up from her desk. "You're (y/n) (l/n)."

"Yes?" you replied unsurely.

"We have a situation in the lobby," the secretary said into a remote device. Immediately, a few police officers entered the room.

"We will need to ask you a few questions," said one officer.

"W-Will we b-be able to return home s-soon?" Drift stammered, making the confused and scared kid act look good. The officers' eyes softened and they looked at Drift in pity.

"Of course," another officer said. "We just need to know a few things." One officer lead you to a room, but it wasn't like an ordinary questioning room. It was a comfortable room with cushions.

"I thought this would be a fitting place," said the officer. "I wouldn't want to bring you to a scary room when you just got back." You smiled thankfully.

"Thank you, s-sir," you said.

"So, how are you feeling?" the officer started. You knew Drift was being asked the same questions in another room.

"I'm lost and confused," you replied while frowning. "I-I don't know."

"You don't know what?" the officer asked.

"I don't know what happened," you lied. "The last thing I remember, I was driving a golf cart in the desert to try and find Drift. Then my memory goes black." None of this was true, but the officer was buying it.

"According to one of my fellow officers, Drift said the same thing," the officer said. "This is truly quite the mystery. Anyway, what is your connection to Drift?"

"Before I met him when we headed back to the city, he was a complete stranger," you replied.

"Then why did you try to find him?"

"I felt bad for his disappearance and one day I want to be a detective, so I tried to solve the case myself," you explained.

"What you did was very dangerous, and is probably the reason you ended up missing for a month without a mystery," the officer said sternly. "Next time, leave the work for the professionals. One day you can be a detective, but you weren't properly trained."

"I understand," you replied, though you felt slightly annoyed.

"We will be sending you and Drift to the hospital to check to make sure you both are healthy," the officer said. "Your families will be notified about your return." You smiled at the mention of your family. You were excited to see them.


An ambulance drove you and Drift to the hospital, which was fun even though you really didn't need to ride an ambulance to get there. The sirens didn't go off since it wasn't an emergency, but it was great nevertheless. The doctors checked you and Drift over, deeming you healthy and to be released from the hospital as soon as your parents came. You were eighteen, but they still needed to pick you up since you had just been missing for a long time.

You waited in the lounge with Drift sitting next to you. You held hands with him. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze as he noticed that you were nervous.

"What if they're angry?" you asked.

"I'm sure everything will be alright," Drift said, looking you in the eye. The doctors made him remove his dust mask, revealing his whole face. You didn't understand why he covered his face.

"(y/n)!" your mom's voice exclaimed. You immediately pulled your hand away from Drift's to avoid any suspicion and looked up. Your mom rushed over to you, tears in her eyes. She pulled you into a tight hug. "I didn't think I would ever see you again!" Your father walked behind her.

"We're glad to have you back," your dad said as he joined your mom in a hug. "Come on, we're going home to celebrate." He glanced over at Drift, his eyes cold. You turned and smiled at Drift as your parents turned and walked, and you followed them. Drift waved at you and you waved back. You would see him soon.

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