Chapter Twenty-seven

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You woke up the next morning, your eyes foggy. You noticed you weren't in Drift's car. He never woke you up. Somehow, he had moved you back into his room. Drift's arms were wrapped around you, preventing you from leaving the bed.

"Drift... We have school," you whined.

"It's Saturday," Drift murmured groggily. He was right.

"Alright, we can sleep for a little while longer," you sighed in defeat and accepted your fate. Your eyes snapped open.

"LIAR IT'S WEDNESDAY!" You screeched, leaping out of the bed and rushing to change. Drift snorted and fell out of the bed.

"NOOOO!" Drift cried. "MY BABY COME BACK..."

You ignored him, angry at his lie. Now you were going to be late for school. Drift stumbled along with you through the morning trying to keep up.

Eventually, you both made it to school, and you rushed to class, ten minutes late.


Class went by slowly since you didn't have any friends in this class. You had received a detention for being so late to class, since it was considered truency or something. That sucks. You were excited for your next class since you would get to talk to Drift again. You just couldn't get enough of him.

The bell rang and you shot out of class, to your next class. You met up with Drift in the hallway.

"It was only an hour, but I missed you," you said to him as you caught up with him.

"I missed you too," Drift replied. "You better sit by me in class."

"Of course," you assured. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Alright," Drift said, putting an arm on your shoulder. You were aware of the judging stares you were receiving from other students, but you didn't care at this time. You leaned onto Drift. You passed by Lindsay, who glared daggers at you. You sent her an arrogant smirk, causing her to scoff.

Soon enough, you made it to class, meaning that you and Drift had to pull apart since the desks were seperate from each other. Turns out the teacher was absent today, meaning substitute teacher. Your teacher left behind an assignment, but of course nobody was going to do it. You decided to spend the hour to talk to Drift.

"I can't believe that Oblivion and Visitor are here, back on Earth," you whispered.

"Wait, I thought we were going to talk about nice stuff," Drift whined quietly. You rolled your eyes.

"This is important, we need to discuss this," you whispered back. "What should we do?"

"I think we should track them down and send them back to where they belong," Drift replied.

"They'll come right back as long as they have the other remote," you reminded. "I think we either need to get the remote, or kill them."

"Kill??" Drift whispered loudly. A few students stopped their conversations and stared at you both in confusion. You stepped on Drift's foot in warning. Last thing you needed was other students thinking you were a serial killer. Drift glared at you. "You could at least be nicer about it."

"Well, you weren't quiet. Use some common sense," you snapped. Drift rolled his eyes at you.

"You're impossible," Drift muttered. You scowled at him.

"Before we start a brawl in the classroom, let's get back to what we were talking about," you huffed.

"Killing is wrong," Drift whispered.

"Imagine all the people they killed without remorse," you pointed out. "It would just be justice for their actions."

"But that would still be taking a life, we can't do that," Drift insisted.

"They almost ended my life," you hissed. "They didn't care, either."

"So what?" Drift replied, not realizing how horrible what he said was. Your jaw dropped open.

"Are you... Are you serious?" you spat. Your voice was a little above a whisper. You cleared your throat. "If you're going to be like that, then I'm not going to talk to you." Drift thought about what he said and he looked shocked and angry with himself. He was about to say something, but you had put earbuds into your ears and blasted music from your favorite band, making it obvious that you were not going to listen to anything he said. Drift looked disappointed at himself, before looking down at his assignment and working on that for the rest of the period.


You left without saying a word to Drift, going to your next class. At least you had Nicole there, thinking that you would be able to forget about what happened for the next hour.

But you were wrong. Nicole wanted to learn everything, from the moment you disappeared in the bathroom to what happened in class. You had forgotten that Nicole had seen you get kidnapped.

"You should talk to him after class," Nicole suggested.

"I'm angry at him and he needs to apologize before I talk to him," you said.

"Guys are stupid. They never know what a girl wants," Nicole explained. "He won't apologize until you make it clear that what he said made you unhappy."

"I guess you're right," you sighed.

"Good, at least lunch is next so you can just talk to him," Nicole said. The bell rang and she smirked and winked at you. You have her a weak smile in response and walked out of the class, going to Drift's locker. You had prepared all of what you were going to say in your mind, but the words never came out.


Because Drift was making out with Lindsay against the lockers. He was pressed to the lockers as Lindsay pushed against him. Bile rose in your throat as your mind processed what you were seeing.

Look, I don't like how some people complained about the chapters not being as interesting. Well, I can't put action into every chapter because then it just sounds like a soap opera! I need to stick to one plot line instead of many. I don't like it when people try to decide how I should write MY book.

Anyway, thank you for the read and don't forget to vote!

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