Chapter Thirty-three

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That was the memory that kept replaying in your mind. For a long time, you were sitting in darkness. Your mind was numb and you couldn't process any thoughts.

You didn't know where you were. Everything was dark.

The last thing you remembered was Drift dropping you off home and before you even got inside, something hit your head and you were out.

Something was converting your eyes. It was a really scratchy fabric, not the most comfortable thing in the world.

You struggled. Ropes kept you bound to whatever you were tied to.

"It's useless, you're stuck," said the voice of Oblivion.

You tried to speak, but realized a piece of cloth was stuck in your mouth. You tried to spit it out, but it was impossible.

"For once, you're speechless," Oblivion cackled. "And soon enough, your precious lover boy will come to your rescue, not knowing he's running to his demise."

She ripped the blindfold off of you, causing your head to snap down. You glared up at her, refusing to show her how afraid you actually were.

"But, you'll be the one to die first," Oblivion said, her finger on your chin as she bent over you. "And Drift will be the one to kill you."

You glared up at her in disbelief, and she noticed how you didn't believe her.

"I didn't expect you to understand because of your incompetence, but I have someone on the inside who will help me make sure Drift will be the one to kill you," Oblivion said.

"Drift, I know she's been missing for a week, but we don't know where we are supposed to look for her!" Lindsay exclaimed.

Drift pounded his fist against his locker. He and Lindsay ditched class to discuss your disappearance.

"We have to look everywhere! I refuse to believe she's just gone," Drift argued. "I know Oblivion is behind this."

"I agree with you, but we can't go in without a plan! We don't even know where she is," Lindsay reasoned.

Drift's shoulders sagged. "You're right, but we have to keep trying. For (y/n)'s sake."

Lindsay put a hand on Drift's shoulder.

"I think it might be time we let go of (y/n) and move on with our lives," Lindsay said.

"No way," Drift said. "It's only been a week, there's time."

"What if she's already dead? Or what if it's a trap so she will get you too?" Lindsay said.

"Then she'd get me because I'm not leaving (y/n) alone," Drift glared down at Lindsay.

Lindsay wrapped her arms around drifts neck.

"You'd be happy with me. Why can't you just let her go?" Lindsay asked.

"You never change, do you?" Drift groaned, and pushed Lindsay away.

"Fine, if you're not going to forget about her, then how about I help you so we can move on with our lives," Lindsay huffed.

She beckoned for Drift to follow her to her locker, and opened it.

"Here's a secret I've been hiding. My family has had these artifacts for generations," she pulled out a cloak with an odd Japanese design and kitsune mask. "These hold powers unimaginable. Wear these and you'll win your fight against Oblivion."

She handed Drift the items. Drift looked over them with caution, and then put the items in his bag.

"I'll start looking for her after school," Drift said.

"Wear those artifacts. They will lead you right to her," Lindsay suggested.

"Thank you," Drift replied.

As he walked away, Lindsay had a smirk on her face.

"Looks like Oblivion's plan will be set into motion."

Sorry the chapter is short. I couldn't add much without rushing since I already jumped the plot ahead. And sorry for the five month hiatus! I'm back again, summers back so I will have time to write!

Thanks for the read and don't forget to vote!

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