Chapter Thirteen

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That night you didn't get sleep. You couldn't just sit here and wait while Drift was missing. You decided to do the most illogical thing you could think of, which was to run off and find him yourself.

You knew you probably wouldn't have much luck since you were by yourself and less experienced than the squads sent out to find your missing crush.

You didn't care. Thinking rationally wasn't really your thing.

You packed up a bag filled with med-kits and slurp juice, along with a gun of your choice. You were ready to go. Getting out of the mansion was easy since everyone was asleep. The sky was still pitch black when you walked outside. The stars glittered in the sky, making you pause for a moment to admire their beauty.

You shook your head and got yourself back on track. It was time to find Drift.

You had no idea where to look.

This was going to be harder than you thought. You decided to go look at Paradise Palms. Drift did seem fond of that place. It was the first place the squads checked, but Drift probably was good at hiding himself. You started to make your way over to the location.

You wished you brought a jacket with you. It was chilly. You knew the only way you would feel warm is if you kept walking. You sighed, a puff of vapor appearing as you did so. This certainly wasn't going to be a fun trip.

It felt like hours passed when you got to Paradise Palms. The moon was still high in the sky, meaning it would be hours before someone would discover that you had run off to find Drift.

Paradise Palms was like a ghost town. It was so late at night that even the party-goers were asleep. People in Paradise Palms usually had parties of some sort. You hoped to go to one someday after you found Drift. You smiled sadly to yourself.

The streets were very quiet. Almost too quiet. You walked down the street quietly, making sure you didn't wake of the citizens. You were starting to feel slightly scared, and then the click of a pistol rang behind your head.

"Give me all of your v-bucks, and maybe I'll let you out alive," a man's voice said. You froze. You whipped around and without thinking punched the man in the face. He fell down to the ground and grunted. You pulled out your gun, pointing it at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" you snapped. "It's my job to rid the streets of trash like you." The man raised his hands up.

"Hey, I had nothing better to do!" he said. Judging from his voice, he sounded pretty young. "I really was just bored! I wasn't actually going to steal some v-bucks!"

"Likely story," you huffed. "I will let you go because I actually have something important to do. This once." He nodded, and scrambled away. You huffed and put your gun back into your bag.

You continued to walk, and saw the mountain he took you to see the sunset. You felt a rush of sadness and nostalgia.

You decided to check the place out. The mountain wasn't hard to climb, and you were on the top in seconds. You looked over the wide view of land. It wasn't the same without Drift.

"Well, well, this is the little lady who harrassed our squad member," snarled a raspy voice. You whipped around and came face to face with four guys, including the guy you had let go. He looked smug.

"He was going to kill me, so I had to defend myself," you argued.

"So what?" the original guy said. "You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." They all pointed their guns at you. Your heart skipped a beat and you realized this could possibly be where your life ends, since there was nobody to help you this time.

"Not so fast," said a familiar voice. You turned your head and saw John Wick and Carbide. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"We won't let you hurt one of our team members," Carbide said calmly.

"It's the two best players on the map! Retreat!" One of the guys exclaimed, and they all turned and fled. John turned to you, angry.

"What are you thinking, coming out during the most dangerous part of the night?" John snapped. "You disobeyed orders."


"No 'buts'. You will be given a punishment in the morning. We are going to return back to the mansion," John ordered. You sighed sadly and followed them as they made their way back to the mansion.

"How did you guys know where I was?" you asked Carbide curiously.

"We always have people on night watch," Carbide answered. "Teknique noticed you leave on the cameras, and told us immediately." You felt angry for a second. Teknique was your friend. She should've understood.

You shook your head and cleared your angry thoughts. She did it to protect you. If she hadn't said anything, you could have been dead.

"Okay," you replied.

You made it back to the mansion quickly. You were exhausted. You really were going to get some sleep now.

"Go to sleep and we will discuss your disobedience in the morning," John said, and walked away. You felt your shoulders drop.

"Don't take it to heart," Carbide said. "He isn't really angry with you, but you have to learn how not to make reckless decisions." He followed John to wherever they were going to go. Teknique came from wherever they disappeared to.

"I'm sorry, I really am, but I was worried," Teknique apologized. She obviously saw what happened.

"I understand," you replied. "I'm making stupid decisions because my mind has been out of place since Drift ran away."

"I'm here to talk if you need it," Teknique offered.

"I'm exhausted, but you were right about me having feelings for Drift," you sighed. "I wish it wasn't true because I probably wouldn't be feeling this much pain."

"Crushes suck," Teknique laughed. "Goodnight, and try not to think about it too much."

"Goodnight," you replied. Hopefully you could just forget about all of this stress just for a few hours. As soon as you got upstairs, you collapsed onto the bed. You pulled the covers over you, smelling the scent of Drift's cologne. It was a really nice scent. Tears sprung in the corners of your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.

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